Is ADHD and ADD normal? | Teen Ink

Is ADHD and ADD normal?

December 15, 2010
By SparksofPen BRONZE, Richland, Washington
SparksofPen BRONZE, Richland, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It seems to me that, in some ways ADD and ADHD are more normal, In my account bio you can read that I have little bursts of energy, giving me the will to write, and i know that I am not the only one who experiences that, but when (as I always have) wasnt paying attention in class for a while, my parents took me to a doctor who said I had ADHD, and gave me a prescription called viyanese, I'll admit, that I did not think it would work, but all my teachers saw big improvements, my grades skyrocketed, but my favorite thing about myself, my so-called "sparks" are gone, I am writing this not like my usual pieces on a spark, but in full wonder, how many of us who write such amazing things have a case of ADHD? But what if there is nothing wrong with ADHD and ADD? What if it inspires the next generation to move forward,here are just a few people that we all know changed the world, but they were also ADHD: Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Elvis Presley, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Frost, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Pablo Picasso, Amadeus Mozart, Vincent Vangogh and Both of the wright brothers. What if ADHD and ADD is not a learning disability, but a way for more and more people to forage into the unknown? How many of the people reading this have ADHD but dont know it? 5, 10, 20, All of you?

The author's comments:
more or less my point of view

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on Dec. 16 2010 at 5:45 pm
Healing_Angel SILVER, Sydney, Other
8 articles 2 photos 509 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live for today, not for tomorrow

It's an interesting perspective and one you are entitled to. I'm in no position to tell you it's wrong since I don't have ADHD, although I've known many wonderful, intelligent people who have it. I've aleays thought people with something like ADHD or dyslexia were much nicer than those without, because they know what it's like to really struggle day after day. People like you inspire me. Great article!