What does depression do to your loved ones? | Teen Ink

What does depression do to your loved ones?

January 13, 2011
By Getzi_Hernandez BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
Getzi_Hernandez BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many teens now a day’s experience depression because of the daily routines that happen in their life, such as losing a family member, or BPD (bipolar disorder) . You shouldn’t get angry at people or bully them because once they enter depression, it can be very dangerous. Well what is depression? Is it good?

Depression is a serious biologic disease that affects millions of people each year.
Although anyone can develop depression, some types of depression, including major depression, seem to run in families. Whether or not depression is genetic, the disorder is believed to be associated with changes to levels of chemicals in the brain such as Serotonin and nor epinephrine.

A personal story of a depressed girl:
Why wouldn’t she get up? Why was she locked in her room? It was rainy outside, the sky was gray. The house was quite. She was sitting in the corner of her room. Still, unmoving, weak, she couldn’t think of anything but the accident, that she thought she had cause. She could remember the car exploding, her mom still inside of it. It had been a month since the car crash and her mom passing away, but since then all she did is lock herself in her room. Her dad always knocked and tried to get her out. But it never worked, so since the first knock she always kept a blade or a knife close by her.

Parents shouldn’t be so strict to children, but how do you know when someone’s in depression?
Depression in Children-
A depressed kid may pretend to be sick, refuse to go to school, cling to a parent, or worry that the parent may die. Older children may sulk, get into trouble at school, be negative, grouchy, and feel misunderstood. Since normal behaviors vary from one childhood stage to another, it can be difficult to tell whether a child is just going through a temporary "phase" or is suffering from depression. Depression should be suspected if a teacher mentions that "your child doesn't seem to be himself."
Depression in Women-
Women experience depression up to twice as often as men. Hypothyroidism is a disease that causes a kind of acute depression in women, like the days of the menstrual period, and terminal diseases such as cancer, HIV etc.

Depression in Men-
Men are less likely to suffer from depression than women, but three to four million men in the United States are affected by the depression. Men are less likely to admit to depression, and doctors are less likely to suspect it. More women attempt suicide, but more men actually commit suicide. Men with depression are in great danger of alcohol abuse and suicide. After age 65, the rate of men's suicide increases, especially among white men older than 85.
Depression in the Elderly-
It’s not very normal for elderly people to feel depressed. Older people feel satisfied with their live because they don’t have many things to worry about. Depression in the elderly is sometimes dismissed as a normal part of aging, causing needless suffering for the family and for the individual. Depressed elderly persons usually tell their doctor about their physical symptom but may be hesitant to bring up their emotions.

Help in hospitals on depression-
Psychiatric hospitals are full of people suffering from depression, there are many kinds of depression, from a very slight and temporary, to depressions that require expensive treatments including electroshock to erase all kinds of memories in people suffering from chronic depression, therapy reading group and support this kind of disease.

But the main question to all of this is what does depression do to your loved ones?
Depression leads to suicide- a person who kills himself intentionally.

Alcohol and/or Drug use- Tend to use this to forget or erase memories.

Anorexia- Prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite.

Separation of family and friends- Too much time alone or not wanting to see or talk to anybody.
To avoid depression is important family reunion and love for children, parents and marriages.

I think that family and friends should not fight because it leads to depression and depression leads to all the stuff above. So don’t fight, you may get angry at one of your family and/or friends but don’t take it too far because you wouldn’t like to lose them, and they don’t want to lose you.
Take a walk around the house or take a few minutes away from the problem before it gets out of control.


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