How I Know Im Done | Teen Ink

How I Know Im Done

January 12, 2012
By brandon fornwalt BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
brandon fornwalt BRONZE, Decatur, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I know I’m done with a paper when I have told all the information I needed to. I usually don’t set my paper aside for awhile but I have found out that it is a very useful way to find your mistakes. I ask others to read my paper all the time. Here are some helpful tips when revising a rough draft.

I know when I’m done with a piece of writing when I have said everything I needed to. The length of a paper does matter how long it is as long as your point is made. It may only take a paragraph or it may take five but whatever it is make sure all your information was shared and you are convinced that the reader has received the point also.

I do not usually let my paper sit for awhile but have found out it is a great idea. When letting a paper sit for awhile, you can take your mind off of it and when you come back to it you will find your mistakes. If you still cannot find any mistakes I would suggest having others read it.

I do ask for advice from other people because it is a good way for building a great paper. Some people see things differently than others which helps a lot. I also have my peers read my paper to look for mistakes. It is not fresh in their minds so they see mistakes that you do not. This way you could find your mistakes faster because you would not have to let it sit around for awhile.

If when revising a paper you do not use these methods, I would encourage you strongly to start doing so. I hope you enjoyed reading my essay and that it will help when writing a paper in the future.

The author's comments:
This piece will tell the reader helpful hints to writing a paper.


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