Ignorance Is NOT Bliss | Teen Ink

Ignorance Is NOT Bliss

February 21, 2012
By Me22895 DIAMOND, Azle, Texas
Me22895 DIAMOND, Azle, Texas
77 articles 0 photos 30 comments

Favorite Quote:
If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies.

Do other people find me as ignorant as I find them? I suppose I shouldn’t worry about it; it’s their problem if they think I‘m dense. But I do care; I’d hate for my peers, my superiors, anyone really, to view me in such an unappealing light. True, I see them that way, but I feel sorry for them, being so stupid, so ignorant. I want not for them to feel sorry for me. Indeed I am ignorant but I do not proudly flaunt it; I try my best to abolish all ignorance within me, reading and listening, learning from the experience and minds of others. It can be summed up by a lovely quote I once read, “rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth.” I want to shed away all traces of ignorance from my body. Then if anyone ever thinks me to be so, I will know that it is them, indeed not me, who is ignorant. How dare you insult me so by thinking me a dolt.


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