My personal experience in Corfu | Teen Ink

My personal experience in Corfu

December 18, 2012
By Anonymous

My personal experience
This story is about a personal experience of mine, it was a week long holiday I went to Corfu. Corfu is an island I got there on a plane. There were all kinds of food you could get there: Greek food and you could get food that you can get in England in their town they have a McDonalds. I didn’t get to go to into town but hopefully I will get to next time. Corfu was amazing. There were all kinds of drinks there that you can get. I would recommend you to stay in Corfu I went with my mum, my nanny, my aunty and a close family friend, we all stayed in a hotel it is called the Alkyon Hotel in Sadri; the staff in the hotel were brilliant they were so nice and helpful, the chef at the hotel cooked lovely food I loved the food there. And when we were out and about we sometimes ended up getting something to eat at lunch time and the food was lovely.
I went on a mountain trip. When we were on the mountain trip we stopped at a little village café so people could get something to eat or go to the toilet, and we went up into the clouds and we stopped again so people could get off and try to take pictures I didn’t as it was too cold in the clouds. We also went on a boat trip and we made one stop at this island so people could get something to eat at a café and the boat captain had a dog that dog was lovely. Next time I hope to stay for two weeks instead of one week; I left Norwich on the 25th of May and came back on the 1st of June. I loved it in Corfu and that’s all I went on about once me and my family got back; I started to want to live there because it’s a lovely place there and the people around Corfu were so nice. One day I would love to live there; I don’t go on about living there as much anymore but I still want to. I am so hoping that we get to go back to Corfu again next year. Corfu is a better country then England and that’s a fact. Because it’s a better place with kinder people there then in England!
I think you should go to Corfu, and stay in the Alkyon Hotel in Sidari. I wish I could go and live there, that would be amazing, maybe one day when I’m older then I will. I still can’t believe how nice the staff at the hotel was. In the hotel I stayed in, they had a shop near to where you first walk in, they also had a pool outside, they also had a games area inside, and they had a playground for little children. They always put a menu up so you would know what you could get for tea. Corfu was 2 hours in front of the UK.

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