Compitition Running People's Lives | Teen Ink

Compitition Running People's Lives

January 7, 2013
By Emilymack BRONZE, Georgetown, Indiana
Emilymack BRONZE, Georgetown, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s hard watching some of my best friends cry. Cry after being beat. They come off the court in tears after being crushed in a tennis match or they sob because their name isn’t on a list for a play.

Competition is a huge part in so many people’s lives. It can be enough to run someone’s life. Working to be number one. That is all some people care about. Winning a sports game. Getting the right grade. Beating a high score. Getting a part. Striving to be the best. They’re all things we want. They are all things we wish we could have.

Everyday i see so many people stressed out over competition and it makes upsets them. It takes away from what they are doing.

It has happened to me many times. In tennis tournaments I would be so determined to win them they ended up turning into a pain to play in. I pressured myself to win, and if I lost I would be depressed. I forgot that I was just playing to have fun and enjoy tennis.

A little healthy compition is good. Without it there would not be much drive in any of us to do anything. We need competition, but when it comes to the point where you’re not even enjoying what you are doing, then why do it?

There will always be someone better. Even if someone becomes the best in the world that doesn’t mean they will always win. Don’t stress over being the best; just worry about doing your best.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece in journalsim class at school.

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