Dear Society | Teen Ink

Dear Society

February 21, 2013
By Megan Haakonson BRONZE, Hopkins, Minnesota
Megan Haakonson BRONZE, Hopkins, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jurisdiction- the power and authority given to a court to hear a case and make a judgment
Original jurisdiction- authority of a court to try a case the first time it’s heard
Appellate court- the US court of appeals
Limited jurisdiction- Local courts that handle minor matters (misdemeanors)
Delinquent child- A minor who has committed an adult crime
Abused child- homeless, destitute, or without adequate parental care
Mediation- happens when the parties to a dispute invite a third party into the decision-making process to help them find a solution
Med-arb- combines the best aspects of mediation and arbitration
Private civil trial- the parties can hold the trial at a time and a place of their own choosing
Answer- defendants response to the allegation
Judgment- the courts determination or decision in a case
Bail- money or other property that is left with the court to assure that a person who has been arrested, but released, will return to trial
Arraignment- procedure in which the accused is brought to court, read the indictment, and asked if pleading guilty or not guilty.
Diversity of citizenship- cases that involve citizens of different states and in which the amount of money exceed $75,000
Intermediate court- courts between the lower and higher courts
Appellate jurisdiction- any party to a suit decided in a federal district court may appeal to the federal court of appeals
General jurisdiction- a general trial court that handles criminal and civil cases
Unruly child- a minor who has done something inappropriate that is not considered an adult crime
Alternative resolution- parties try to resolve disagreements outside of the usual adversarial system by using creative settlement techniques
Arbitration- happens when the parties actually transfer the power to settle their dispute to a third party
Summary jury trial- a short trial that runs less than a day before a real jury, which then comes up with a verdict
Verdict- decision of the jury
Arrest- action when a person is deprived of his or her freedom by a police officer
Indictment- a written accusation to charge an individual

ADR- mediation, arbitration, med-arb, summary jury trial, private civil trial, ADR contract clause, alternative resolution
Courts/jurisdiction- intermediate court, appellate court, jurisdiction, original jurisdiction, appellate jurisdiction, limited jurisdiction, general jurisdiction, diversity of citizenship,
Children- delinquent child, unruly child, abused child
Court procedure- answer, verdict, judgment, arrest, bail, indictment, arraignment

Federal and state

The constitution

Cases that involve the breaking of federal law

Probable cause

What the jury comes up with the verdict and the judgment is what the court comes up with.

Right to: an attorney, a phone call, a quick and speedy trial, know what they’re arrested for, bail on certain occasions, remain silent.

A mistrial is the prosecution desires.

When a probation or foster home doesn’t work or the judge doesn’t think it will work’ used as a last resort.

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