What your hair color means | Teen Ink

What your hair color means

April 5, 2013
By andyarchangel BRONZE, Brook, Indiana
andyarchangel BRONZE, Brook, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hello there my lovelies with the name of Kat and everyone else not named Kat. Today I would very much like to inform you of what your hair color may possibly mean. If you have brown hair then it most likely means you enjoy the company of people, you like making new friends, and you’re really easy to get along with. If you’re a blond then it means that you’re not as easy going but you can still make friends pretty easy, you normally like to hang out with only certain people and you don’t like adding new people to your group. If you’re a red head then obviously you have no soul…that’s about it….Anyways, if you have black hair it means you're a creative person, and you like to have a different way of approaching things. If you have a bright neon color as you're main hair color like pink, blue then it means you like to be different, you like it when you have people's attention, and you are a very confident person with what you do. If you have a natural hair color with a non-natural hair color it means you like to change things every once in a while and just have fun. So there you go, Now you know what you're hair color means.

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