Stress | Teen Ink


April 10, 2013
By Luke Sinopoli BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Luke Sinopoli BRONZE, Rocky Hill, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people multitask on a daily a basis and normally when people multitask and do too many things at once your mind and body become very overwhelmed which is one of the various ways how stress is created. A lot of the times most people who may own their own business or even those who have a job in general can easily become stressed out due to the amount of work that needs to get handed in on certain dates and times. Just the simple fact of dealing with relationships such as a boss and coworkers in the workplace is just another way stress is brought on. Stress is something that everyone faces but there are not only various reasons for why you get stressed, but there are also numerous ways to help keep your stress at lower levels so that your health isn't affected by the amount of stress that you are putting on yourself.

First off I want to mention what stress is really defined as. Stress is defined as a chemical reaction that your body produces when you feel like you are overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to get done. So for most of us, including myself, stress is almost unnoticeable because of the amount of things around us that cause stress on a daily basis. Most of the time I think that we all feel stressed out when we really shouldn't. For example almost every night I feel like I have a ton of homework, yet once I get home, relax and look at all the things I have to do, it’s almost pointless to stress because it’s not much work at all. But along with the unnecessary stress that comes along with a lot of the work that most people do on a daily basis it’s also very unhealthy to stress a lot for absolutely no reason. Some of the results from lots of stress can lead to health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. And as you know with any of those types of health problems, they can lead to even more complicated health issues such as a stroke. And most likely doctors will prescribe pills or other such treatments to their patients, when there are numerous ways to avoid overcoming chronic stress problems. Medications also come with their own consequences. But the number one key in relieving stress is making sure that you try and make everything around you not bother you as much as it did before. Whether it’s a boss, a teacher or any authoritative figure that may make you very anxious at certain times you have to make the best of things and try just to not let them bother you at all. This is probably one of the first steps in relieving stress. Another good form of stress relief is exercise.

You have heard a little bit about stress and in the long run how it can affect not only your mind but it can also affect your health. One of the things that is a great way to relieve stress that I do on a weekly basis is go to the gym. Although many people look at the gym and think of how most people go to a gym to lose weight, I see it completely different. When I see a gym I think of people lifting weights, walking treadmills and working very hard to try and make themselves look good. But what most of the people that look into a gym or someone who has never gone to a gym doesn't realize is that when people work out and lift weights it’s actually a very good, and effective stress reliever. And the best thing about going to the gym is that it only takes about forty five minutes to an hour of sold working out, and then right after that you can walk out of the gym feeling stress free. Along with that you will feel a lot better just because you are working out and striving to make yourself look better. So basically all I am trying to say is that weather you are lifting weights or if you running on the treadmill for a long period of time the gym is a great tool that can be used to help you relieve stress.

Lastly I want to discuss another very good idea that can help release stress whenever or wherever you are. The method that I am thinking of that can easily help you relive stress is called a stress ball. A stress ball is a firm yet squishy ball that you can hold into your hand and grab it hard by making your hand into a fist. When you do this over and over it helps relieve any stress that is being put right in front of you. By doing this you work on the stress immediately at any time and I have actually used a stress ball before, and it is very effective in putting your effort into something that will help you work the stress out. The stress ball is something that everyone should have for any moment you encounter stress.

In conclusion stress is something that everyone faces but there are not only various reasons for why you get stressed, but there are also numerous ways to help keep your stress at a low level, so that your health isn’t affected by the amount of stress that you are putting on yourself. And the few methods such as purchasing or using a gym or a stress ball are some of the various ways to help prevent stress. And although stress is really something that no one can prevent, fortunately there are numerous ways to help manage your stress level so that it doesn't affect your health in the long run.

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