Mamita | Teen Ink


April 24, 2013
By Adiarih BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Adiarih BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Hakuna Matata"

Nicki Minaj got an award for writing a couple of words that do not even make sense. 90% of her songs talk about how big her booty is (when it is actually not real.)
Lil Wayne got an award as well just because he wrote a couple of songs talking about girls as if they where some type of sex machine. 90% of his songs do not make any sense either, all he sings about is sex, profanity, sex, sex, sex and sex…making young people think about sex as a game and not as personal and intimate as is supposed to be.
After this they still get recognition for what they do, and people (young people mostly) see them as if they were a legend or a hero. Hmmm… so if they gave them an award without them doing anything good, positive, noble, or courageous, it means that I can give recognition to a special person, and after making recognition to that person, everyone will see him/ her as a hero?

A hero is a person that does good things for other people, a person admired for having noble qualities or courage. Okay mommy prepare to be recognized. You have all the qualities to be a well-known hero.
You gave birth to seven kids, raised and gave a good education to them by yourself. Mother and father, man and women of the house, 4’11 foot tall but with a heart and strength like no other.

I know you had a hard time back then, teaching us values, and trying to guide us on the right path… It was hard but it was worth it mommy. You succeeded, we are grown, we have an education, we have goals in life, we are independent, but first and foremost we are successful and all thanks to you.

Mommy I know you are tired, you feel like giving up, you feel weak, and at some point you start wondering what you did wrong… Don’t feel bad; a hero always gets to a point in where they don’t think they’ve done good enough. I give you this award mommy for being my hero, you might think that you haven’t done good enough but think again, you did enough; your kids are the best prove of your accomplishment as a hero.

You did enough my beautiful queen; this is your time to be recognized, to rest, and to be loved, don’t worry anymore, we will take care of you, just like you took care of us.

The author's comments:
I love you mommy and I want the world to see you as the hero you are. That unique love that you gave us is in my heart, and I'm going to keep it for the rest of my life.
Mommy you are my pride, that is why I'm going to talk about you everywhere I go, and everybody will know your accomplishments as a Mother I LOVE YOU.

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