Beauty | Teen Ink


April 25, 2013
By MadSilver GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
MadSilver GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When we look in a mirror, what do we see? Do we see what we are supposed to see, or only what we want to see? And if we see what we want to, what does that mean about us? We can see ourselves as beautiful, or downright ugly. But we can also see ourselves only based on what other people think of us, what they say to our faces about us. It molds us into something else and the image in the mirror becomes something completely different. Could it be that we also mold ourselves into what we want, to change how we see ourselves every time we look in the mirror? Does this make us a bad person for wanting ourselves to be different?
Beauty is a word that can define anything we see, or hear. It has many meanings, and it alone can define us as a person. If we do not think we are beautiful, does that mean we are not? Or does that make us stupid. As humans, all we want is to be accepted, that is a fact for every single one of us. We don’t need to deny it, because deep down you know it is true. You as an individual are beautiful, whether you believe it or not. We are all beautiful. But we can only be as beautiful as we believe we are.

For a while I never believed that I was beautiful. But after almost 15 years of being told the same thing, I started to believe it. I felt better about myself and I looked at my self differently whenever I looked in a mirror. So no matter how much you may hate yourself for looking at a mirror and saying that you are ugly, or fat, and saying that you will never be loved, just remember that you, as a person, are beautiful.

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My view on BEAUTY

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