Days of Judgement | Teen Ink

Days of Judgement

May 10, 2013
By Anonymous

Many people think that I am shy,
Hard to understand, lost.
They believe that I am alone,
Stuck on the outside looking in.
But in truth, I am trapped, broken and scarred,
Locked inside this body,
Unable to break free.

Everytime I try to escape, I am pulled back
And forced to the ground.
These chains wrap themselves around me,
Holding on with all their might,
Weighing me down.

Everytime I begin to talk,
I tremble and fall.
When I move, everyone watches and stares,
Looking upon me like I am some beastly creature.
When I utter a word, they all turn away,
Leaving me in the dark.

I walk with my shoulders hunched,
My head looking down to the ground,
Unaware of what is right in front of me.
I live with the thought that no one cares,
That everyone survives by ripping me apart,
Tearing me piece by piece until nothing is left.

One day, I will find my place.
Everyone will be my friend,
No enemies.
My heart and soul will leap from my chest,
Revealing the person within.
I will step outside of this body of mine,
Release the chains,
And step into a new life.

The author's comments:
There have been too many suicides and too many children are becoming depressed due to bullying. This piece reflects the thoughts that one may have when they are being bullied.

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