My Code Of Life | Teen Ink

My Code Of Life

May 20, 2013
By JoanneBrooks BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
JoanneBrooks BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ethics may depend on the environment or culture you've come from or the different things you believe in. I personally believe in honesty, being non-judgmental and excepting people for who they are. These things I believe in may have come from the way I was raised or just what I believe is right, so everyone definitely has different opinions.
I admit that I'm probably a lot more trustworthy than I should be. Gaining someones trust and having faith in them as well, can take people along way in life. Being able to trust my friends and even my family with personal things that I'm associated with, require a lot of trust and understanding. Honesty is a big expectation I have of myself. I expect myself not to lie and choose honesty before the risk of humiliation. If I can't be honest than I can't be trustworthy. Therefore, I will acquire the ability to be honest and gain trust in not only myself but the people around me.
I was always taught to never judge a book by its cover. People tend to express themselves as a totally different person around peers but the person they really are around the people they care about. So they may come off as weird, rude or stubborn. You base your judgement on just these three words. You never stop to realize......have they experienced hurt before, what was they're past like, do you know them as a person and not just by the things you hear or see? I believe in myself to not depend on my first impression of someone. I will look further past the way they dress or how they act as a person and remember that just because the outside isn't appealing, doesn't mean the inside won't have an amazing story.
Not judging people ties in a lot with excepting people for who they are. Just because somebody is weird or different doesn't give anyone the right to automatically assume they know them. One thing I don't like is when people have their "groups". Only certain people are allowed in your group and you have to dress a certain way and do the things the group does. I believe that everyone should be friends with everyone and we should all be excepted for who we choose to be as people.

I plan to live almost everyday with a smile on my face and learn how to become an even better person. My code of life is different than others because of the fact that I have different beliefs and everyone has the right to believe what they want.

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