Think before you do | Teen Ink

Think before you do

May 24, 2013
By Stephanie Arellano BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
Stephanie Arellano BRONZE, Nampa, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Think Before You Do

Harrasing, torturing, name calling, and any other way that puts someone else down is what makes up bullying. I believe that this is a HUGE problem in our society. It is something that is well known, and almost all have experienced. There are many different "types of bullying". First of all, the most common type is "Cyber Bullying". Cyber bullying is an action through internet of sorts that makes it easier for someone to call another person names, without getting into trouble. Doing this over the internet "anonymously" allows someone to say anything they want to others without sharing who they are. For instance if someone were to call another "ugly,"fat", or "stupid" ect, they would use cyber bullying for an easier attack. People use this to bully and put others down without having to say it to their face. "Drama" on the internet is connected with it as well. When there is drama on the internet it usually consists of name calling. This is something that most likely won't come to a complete end. People are always going to cyber bully, the internet is so overated that people are going to it because they see others do it.

"Physical bullying" is also another type of bullying. This is a big one because everyone does it, including little kids. It might start out where kids watch other people hit, punch or kick others. Eventually they repeating those actions they've seen towards others because they think it is okay. Then soon after they think it is "funny" or "cool". Today this is still such a big problem because kids are getting beat up, jumped and shoved for things like their looks, dress choice, hair, or gender. How would you like it if someone were to come up to YOU and punch YOU in the face because you're "ugly" "lame" or "stupid"? Did YOU choose your personal traits? Did YOU choose your ethnicity/ skin color? What gives you the right to bully others for no reason? What satisfaction do you get from it? Matter of fact, ALL types of bullying are pretty darn ridiculous in my opinion.

"Verbal bullying" is the main type. Anywhere from name calling/insulting all the way to racist remarks. This type of bulling is the most important because it is so harsh. It can really put others down and make them depressed. Your actions and words can stick into someones brain longer than you think. When people hear others opinions they tend to constantly worry and overthink about the what has been said and start to believe that it is true.

The final kind of bullying is "convert bullying". When other's do this they ruin other people's "social reputation" or can cause humiliation. It is a very big deal because you might be messing with someone's personal life. For an example, when someone starts rumors about someone else, or shares personal information, they usually make up or add on something to make someone else look bad. People do these type of things for attention. Everyone craves attention, but some try to get it the wrong way.

When people call each other rude names, they don't realize that someone might get so upset and over think everything that's happened to them. Bullying is the number one reason as to why people attempt or commint suicide. People can't handle that kind of negative attention. Does anyone honestly like being called names and being put down? Would you like to be the reason why someone had killed themselves? The golden rule; treat others the way you want to be treated. Why makes you so special and gives you the right to bully others? Who died and made you king? People don't understand that they go way way too far with this kind of thing. There is a difference between joking around with friends, and being just plain rude. Everyone is equal and should be treated as so.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write my essay on this subject was a video that my cousin had showed me about a girl that gets bullied for being straight. It's about a world where it's normal for girl and girl to date, vise versa, to show what it is like if the tables were turned. It shows what a "gay" person goes through.

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