Summer | Teen Ink


May 29, 2013
By kenm1 BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
kenm1 BRONZE, Fox Point, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


The beautiful breeze blowing in your face, fun under the sun, it must be summer. After a tough year of school you finally get a break. You get to stay up late and then sleep in. I have a great time during my summer break and a lot of other people do as well. I make a lot of great new memories. Every summer I have some of the best times of my life. I also meet some new friends when I go to camp. My family and I are going on vacation to Jamaica this summer for my parents twentieth anniversary. I’m very excited because it is the first time i’ll be going out of the country and i’ll get to spend a lot of time with my family. Summer is important to me, it is a great time to spend with my family and friends. This is going to make my summer even more exciting. With the help of my favorite sport, basketball, summer will be amazing. And that is why I love summer.

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