The Underdogs | Teen Ink

The Underdogs

September 6, 2013
By BallerBratton7 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
BallerBratton7 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book is a very good sports novel written by Mike Lupica. Very Interesting and I loved reading it. Mike Lupica is a very good book writer and has written many different very well written books. I have read most of them as well they were very good too. I have read Miracle on 49th street, Travel tem, and The Underdogs.
Will Tyler was a very good running back for his team. This story was mostly about building character and pride. Will is on a football team and had a very good team but after a while their team broke down after a while and could not manage to do anything else. Will’s team had no money to function the team anymore because of the sponsors they were losing them as the team went on. After a while, Will went on a hunt for a sponsor and somehow ended up with New Balance because of a family member used to work there.
After Will got a sponsor ha had to assemble another team because everyone left. He found some new people after a while and had a girl kicker! In the start they had a couple of games and lost them because of not well planned out plays. But at the end they were in there championship game and Will had the winning touchdown and won the game for everyone. At the end of the game Will and the kicker held hands walking off the field.

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