My Book Review | Teen Ink

My Book Review

September 6, 2013
By KaitlynC.13 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
KaitlynC.13 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Title of Review:
It was an amazing read about being strong and alive.
5 stars
The book The Truth About Forever was written by Sarah Dessen. Sarah is an amazing teen novel writer. She has written many other books such as, That Summer, Someone Like You, Dreamland, and many others. She has also received many awards for her teen novels. Her best-selling book was and is, The Truth About Forever. It is also my favorite by Sarah Dessen.
Description and Summary of Content:
In this novel, the character, Macy, is a teenage girl with a bright future and a dark past. Wes on the other hand, is open and full of artistic ability. But does he have a secret too? This novel takes place in a suburban area, present time. Macy’s scary past is making it impossible for her to be a teenager again and live her life.
Macy is a young girl who recently lost her loving, caring, and encouraging father. After her father died she quite track, pushed her friends away, and stayed home on the weekends. Her boyfriend Jason, who’s near perfection, makes Macy insecure about her flaws and past, as does her mother. Jason goes to brain camp that summer so he dumps Macy after she tells him she loves him. Macy, out of a spontaneous moment got a catering job at “Wish”. She felt it was the only place people didn’t know her as the girl who saw her father die. Just when she started to feel okay again in the place that was her get away and safe haven. Wes, Kristy, Bert, and Monica (her friends from Wish) figured out her secret. But to her surprise they didn’t judge her because they lost someone close too. Macy and Wes begin to play this game called “Truth” and it helped them learn a lot about each other. Will Macy figure out being perfect is not everything and having flaws are okay? Or will she continue her unsatisfied life.
The Truth About Forever was one of my favorite books I’ve read. Sarah Dessen is a great author and I felt like I could relate to Macy at some points. This book to me is about finding the courage and strength to stand up and move on. In a way, this book inspires me to find friends that care and love me the way Macys friends do. I feel who ever read this novel will be attached to these amazing characters and the plot of it as well. But mostly I’d recommend this book to people who are going through things. It may help them in some way and make them look at things in a different perspective like I did.

The author's comments:
I hope people will get interesting enough to want to read this novel.

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