Loving Yourself | Teen Ink

Loving Yourself

September 30, 2013
By Anonymous

I’m not the type of person to judge others or assume others because of their action, but sometimes I cannot help but realize that people today are not loving themselves. Every day people are committing suicide because they’re not good enough, or people are cutting themselves because they are not worth the satisfaction of others. It’s sad, but in my opinion no one is doing enough for people who are suffering like that. We do have people who love and support us through those hard times. But why didn’t you help them before the cutting and the suicide started? I have a friend who cut herself because she felt she was fat, and because of her mother who would constantly nag her about her appearance. It was not her fault, she was a beautiful girl with a smart mind and wonderful gift of loving a supporting others, but she did not see that the way I did. I have another friend who had trouble not getting into trouble, again it’s not his fault but again everyone knows what the difference between right and wrong. Regardless, he tried to kill himself. Once he told me this I began to think about my old friend and her experience; she too also tried to commit suicide and ended up in the hospital, because they thought she was crazy, but hear me out. My friend was not crazy she was just hurt by other and wanted a way out. Yes, you could say others have felt that way. But no one can truly understand your pain except God, himself. It may be hard to come out of that certain pain but once you help yourself to overcome that circumstance, you will make life worth living. As you can see today society is at risk of becoming nothing but a love and hate relationship with yourself. Thus, which leads to the topic at hand. No matter what people tell you. No matter what you’re going through, you may feel like giving up or are feeling like an outcast. People may bring you down with their words, but remember to love yourself, because you are your biggest enemy.

The author's comments:
It time to stop the hate against yourself, and the abuse you put yourself through. Start loving yourself.

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