Gender Roles in Society | Teen Ink

Gender Roles in Society

October 22, 2013
By Cutie_Pie43 BRONZE, Currie, North Carolina
Cutie_Pie43 BRONZE, Currie, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never Let The Fear of Striking Keep You From Playing the Game"

Gender Roles:
My opinion about this is very strongly towards equal rights. Women should be able to do anything a man can do! Women can fairly do anything a man can do, as well as a man can fairly do anything a man can do. My question for the world is why? Why? Do men think they are better than women just because men are supposed to be more masculine. Not true women can be just as masculine as men.
Men think that women are weak and should stick to the easy stuff like housework! So, not true I strongly believe women should be accepted in this world like men. This should be different. Why should women be judged for their appearance and what their occupation is, it just isn’t right. We as women, including myself, should do something about this, we should stand up for our rights as women to be able to do anything in occupation form, what we want to do.
Women in the early 1800’s were supposed to stay home and do housework to keep their husbands happy. Women now have gradually stepped up and come up to levels where we substantially can work where men have worked for years and have the same equal rights without being judged. As for men, they cannot do many jobs where women work.(ex. beauty or hair salons etc.) cause they get called gay and other names and is just not fair.
My uncle is gay and i love him for who he is and i do not judge him but, every time people see him and his boyfriend holding hands they say gay! It’s not funny it is a very strong feeling of mine and i shouldn’t have to change it for no one. As long as he is happy, i’m happy for him because it’s the way he wants to be. Freedom to love anyone you want! God still loves you no matter what.

The author's comments:
My personal feelings have been poured into this paper from the top to bottom.

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