Teen INK educator of the year contest | Teen Ink

Teen INK educator of the year contest

October 25, 2013
By Anicia Sweeney BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Anicia Sweeney BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Great teachers are a dime a dozen! Highland Home high school has the privilege to call Ms. Sims a member, teacher, of the school. People forget to appreciate the people who change lives. Teachers should be idols to all students. She has many qualities that make her a wonderful teacher; her knowledge, since of humor, her teaching style, her extra help to the school and community, and her ability to help every and anyone in need. I am truly grateful to call her my teacher and idol.
Like most teachers they teach their classes very differently; Ms. Sims has a unique way of teaching. She is in the process of showing my class what to expect in college so there won't be any surprises. Many say she gives to much work, but in realization she gives us just the right amount. She expects the best out of us because she wants us to be the best! Her high expectations are only to form us into young adults. When going over lesson plans she does a quick run through because that way she can see who is paying attention. All the work that she makes us do is a form of studying for tests, because every time we take a test it's exactly what is on the test. Her methods and techniques of teaching make her the greatest teacher I have ever had.
Teachers that can juggle teaching, grading papers, and making lesson plans while also being involved in school activities have quite a load on there shoulders. Not many can do it, but Ms. Sims is one of the few that can. She runs the English honor society like a pro and is in charge of most senior things, for example, the senior out fits. Ms. Sims also runs the FTA (future teachers of America). To me Ms. Sims is like a super hero teacher! She can handle more than anyone one I know of, and for that I applaud her!
Ms. Sims being the thoughtful person that she is has helped me in so many ways. When my grandma had health issues and I had. To go to Texas for two weeks Ms. Sims helped me in so many ways. I now have a 93 because she trusted me to do all my work, so I didn't let her down. I am a new student at highland home and she was the most welcoming person I met! I have seen her help so many people with little reward. I think the real reward is self statice faction.
All together Ms. Sims is a great teacher. All her qualities that make her a great teacher involve her teaching style, how she helps the school, and her ability to help any and everyone including me. She is a genuine person and I am glad to be able to call her my idol.

The author's comments:
It's about my favorite teacher

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