When is Censorship Unecessary? | Teen Ink

When is Censorship Unecessary?

November 7, 2013
By Anonymous

Censoring is an idea that has a tremendous effect on almost every teenager’s lives. Censoring occurs everywhere. We use certain terminology to decrease the amount of profanity that our youth uses today. Profanity is a large topic that has become a hot topic around the United States. Censoring is mainly taking away profanity, but when is censoring no longer needed?
Censoring means to suppress the unacceptable parts in a movie, television show, or book. Censoring gets rid of nudity, unnecessary profanity, or any part in media that is not acceptable for public viewing of all ages necessarily. Not all pieces of media are censored. They specifically censor media usually for younger ages. The material in movies could be very subjective and immoral. When you are creating the media, you usually think of the audience who will be viewing or reading you work.
Censoring is a very important topic all across America. Especially for poor behavior in our generation today, Adults think that we as adolescence need more of our media censored. There is too much nudity on television, there is too much profanity being used in today’s music, these are all statements that adults make towards us. I think that these types of media have made a great impact on our mental states. We perceive ourselves as adults. We have this sense that we can do what we feel at any time. We think that we have everything figured out. This is due to psychological effects from the unacceptable parts that we shouldn’t be exposed to at this age. We have not matured enough to handle this information at this time. There is also a point where censorship is no longer necessary. When important news and opinions can’t be shared, that’s when censorship is no longer needed. You need to be able to think freely and independently. Censor almost restricts that opportunity almost violating the first amendment in the constitution.
Truly, there aren’t that many programs in censorship necessarily. If you truly wish to become involved in this great awareness cause, you must first be 18 years or older. Integrity is key. This project truly depends on its members. This group teaches more than just about censoring profanity. They promote independent media literacy, critical thinking, and investigative journalism. They lecture to their students the importance free media when necessary. You can become a member of this project. There are different levels of commitment. You can pay $5 as a sustaining member. After that, you can pay up to $50 as a sustaining member. This depends on your budget and how much you are willing to spend into this project. This is a great project to join and I strongly encourage you to join. This effects almost everyone who reads or watches any type of media.

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