More Guns, LESS Crime | Teen Ink

More Guns, LESS Crime

January 2, 2014
By PotatoBoy123 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
PotatoBoy123 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

America has allowed the possession of guns for the past few of centuries and now there’s a huge argument trying to ban guns because of some lunatic decides to shoot people at the movie theater or at some schools for no reason? Guns don’t kill people, people kill people! Criminals will always find a way to get guns no matter what law there is, so what's the point? This argument of pro or anti gun control America is better off if a choice is made before and not after shootings happen. Gun control laws are almost always brought up right after a criminal decides to use a gun for violent purposes. There should be no reason why a law-abiding citizen should not be allowed to carry a weapon. America is better off with guns if the average citizen is allowed to purchase a gun legally.

It will be to our advantage if there is widespread gun ownership. Statistics shows that there is less crime to related gun in areas with high gun ownership. According to a research paper titled, “Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide?” published in Harvard’s Journal of Public Law and Policy, Don B. Kates, and Gary Mauser, Ph.D. states that “nations in which very high gun ownership rates correlate with very low murder rates, while other nations with very low gun ownership rates have much higher murder rates. Moreover, there is not insubstantial evidence that in the United States widespread gun availability has helped reduce murder and other violent crime rates.” Since there is no direct correlation between crime rate and the rate of gun ownership, it can be argued that owning a gun does not mean more crimes.
Gun control laws or acts does not reduce crime in America. The average crime rate has been at the same pace for the past 20 years. The “Assault Weapon Ban” or the “Chicago Handgun Ban” only helped temporary. The crime rate went back to normal after a few months. Eventually, these laws either expire or are repealed. In an article by David Susman, he suggest that the “anti-gun lobby are playing to the emotions of the people in their attempt to prevent violence, specifically gun violence, by banning semi-automatic rifles.” According FBI’s Expanded Homicide Data Table 8 Murder Victims by Weapon suggest that rifles of all kinds only accounts for 2% of all the guns used in all the homicides in the U.S. This suggests that gun controls laws are ineffective; which brings me to my next point.

Criminals doesn’t obey the laws and they will always find a way to get guns no matter what measures authorities take. The law was made so that there wouldn’t be any crime, but crimes are still common. Putting up gun control laws will only make the law-abiding citizen give up their guns and lose their protection. As that happens, criminals will still be able to obtain guns by their ways, stealing them or buying them online, in the black market, and through other illegal means. They will continue to abuse guns and use them for their violent purposes.

It is within people’s rights and responsibilities to be able to protect themselves. The government’s protection of its people is limited; authorities do not always arrive on time when a tragic event happens. Criminals obviously do not want to be shot at. A story from 7 News shows that a homeowner was able to stop an armed burglar trying to get into his house though the window. The homeowner fired two warning shots, but the burglar was not harmed. The police a few blocks away later caught the 17-year-old boy. The homeowner was able to protect his property and himself without hurting anyone. The state leaders should honor and protect the people's right and duty to defend themselves by limiting gun control laws.
While the opponent of anti-gun control would argue that gun control is helpful in some circumstances, that guns often promotes violence and make the owner of the gun assume they have more power of others, or the fact that the most frequently weapon used for crime in America are handguns; thus it will lower crimes that are made using guns. Truth is, there will always be another weapons to take the place of guns. Someone can strangle, stab, or beat someone to death. Even though there are other ways crimes happen, no one will do anything about it. It’s not the guns that’s killing people, it’s the people killing other people.

For over 200 years, America has allowed its people the right to keep and bear arms for protection. If guns are outlawed, honest, law-abiding citizens will be punished while the criminals will still find ways to carry guns. Local law authorities are not able to protect its citizens at all times, especially at the duration of the tragic events. Police and investigators usually investigate and solve the crimes after the event. We must reinforce existing laws on guns and ensure that is executed effectively before implementing any new laws. Once again, people kill people, guns don’t. If people are mentally stable, gun violence should not be happening that often.


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