Gun Control | Teen Ink

Gun Control

January 4, 2014
By lingieooo BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
lingieooo BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For a very long period of time, guns have been a very heated controversial topic. It is clear how much impact these weapons have on people’s lives. Hundreds and thousands die from guns per year, whether if it is from homicides or suicides. Is this the way our society has to live? The answer is no. People shouldn’t have to live in constant fear of being the next victim of a massacre or shooting. A solution must be found for our country to be a safer place. The best way to solve this issue would be gun control laws.
??United States is the country with the highest gun ownership in the world, with about 89 people in a hundred owning a pair of these weapons (Los Angeles Times). With such a high ratio, more crimes are bound to be committed. If we enforce stricter gun control policies, then chances are that firearm crimes will drop. Countries that have already done this show us the perfect example. The Washington Post states that, “In Australia, after a 1996 ban on all automatic and semiautomatic weapons, gun related homicides dropped 59 percent over the next decade. The rate of suicide by firearm plummeted 65 percent.” Another example would be, “Compared to Japan, where gun control laws are very strict regarding both ownership and punishment, only four people were killed by guns in 2012.” Looking at these statistics, we acknowledge the fact that stepping in the direction of strict gun policies will reduce the numbers of firearm crimes.
????If stricter gun control policies aren’t a help, then requiring background checks at all times might. Going through the process of background checks will decrease the chances of guns landing in the hands of the mentally unstable and criminals that have already have committed crimes previously. If those people are picked out from the background checks, then some major crimes will be prevented. A very infamous incident that showcased why background checks are so important was the Virginia Tech massacre. The gunman who shot 32 innocents was a man with some mental health issues. He was evaluated at Carilion-St. Alban’s mental health facility. (CNN.U.S.) If when he bought the gun and the dealer had required a background check and found out he was mentally unstable, this whole tragedy might have been prevented.
??Another reason why gun control laws should be more enforced is because children are being highly affected. Families that own guns in their homes provides a higher risk to their children. They can get hold of it and misfire, causing harm to themselves or others. NCHS/CDC has data that shows that a child dies every 8 hours in a gun accident or suicide.
??This leads to the argument of guns being used as a self-defense, as a way of protection for their families, or as a way of stopping violence from happening. This statement is false. Research has shown that guns are used far more as an intimidation than as a source of protection. (Harvard Injury Control Research Center)
??Someone might also argue that gun control laws don’t prevent massacres from happening. The article “The Conservative Case for Gun Control in America”tells us “right now, the just punishes the bad guy after the act.” True, there is no way of knowing when or where the next crime would be committed, but having enough gun control laws out there would lower the chance a massacre happening in the first place.
??In conclusion, gun control policies are what will rescue America and all of its citizens.

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