Messing with our lives | Teen Ink

Messing with our lives

January 6, 2014
By liljimmy BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
liljimmy BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do teens share too much information on social networks? Well I’m here to tell you, yes teens do share too much information on social networks. My reasons are that there are stalkers, predators, and also there is a lot of bullying on social networks.
First, there are some people that will come to your house and watch you. Which these people have a specific name and that is Stalkers. Stalkers will follow you almost everywhere and won’t leave you alone. The way they know where someone is at is a result of people sharing too much. Stalkers will know everything you do after about a week or more.
Also, there are predators on social networks and they will kidnap you while you are walking somewhere. They will also come to your house and kidnap you or worse they will rape you. They will try to get your address, phone number, and your name and birth date.
Plus, on social networks there is a lot of bullying. In an extreme case some people commit suicide when they get bullied too much. Also when someone gets bullied that person might not come to school the next day, for a week or more.
Some people may argue that Facebook gives kids more friends. This is partially true, but it also opens up for strangers and bullying. The reason I say that is kids might get more friends but most of those people are either strangers or bullies. If we were in England the would help us get rid of strangers and bullies. The CEOP is a organization that if someone is bullied too much they can report the person that is doing it using a button in the top right corner of their website.
In conclusion, that is why kids shouldn’t share so much stuff. Because of there being stalkers, predators, and bullies on social networks. Kids should stop sharing so much information on social networks.

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