Depress Me | Teen Ink

Depress Me

February 14, 2014
By ErikaGranowski BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
ErikaGranowski BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Love Life

Dear Teen Ink,

I have always like to read a good portion of your magazine. I have always liked how you involve the readers in other peoples lives and having them get insight to their own lives. Although you do that, really well and people read this magazine for that, I am writing this letter to you to have less writings about depressing topics.
You should definitely get rid of some of the depressing topic in Teen Ink. For example, in the November 2013 issue when I read, I am homeless and Reading to the homeless kids; I felt so sad about kids in the United states and their situations. I wanted to cut up the magazine and feed it to a rabid racoon. I wanted to do this because in most of the issues, the magazines have articles like this with this level of depressing feeling all over. Science Daily says, “The study findings showed that at three months, women were more likely than men to report problems with depression.” In this quote it is saying that women are more likely to report depression problems; most of the stories in the magazines about depression, that I read, were by women. Just by that, I think that depression is too serious of a topic to be happening to teens. In the September 2013 issue, I took one read through of the table of context and it ruined my mood. Even a celebrity, like Owen Wilson, had troubles with drug addiction and it is still depression. Teens should never have to deal with addiction or depression.
Teens shouldn’t have to deal with the hard times that adults have to deal with. I don’t want to read about anyone, adults or teens, that have troubles with addiction or depression. In closing, I want you, Teen Ink, to get rid of some of the depressing topics in your magazine.

Sincerely yours,

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