Bullying | Teen Ink


February 14, 2014
By HopieHeyerholm45 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
HopieHeyerholm45 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

Your magazine is amazing. The way your magazine is formated is it has lots of stories that teens have shared with you, so others could read them. I think you should add more bullying stories to your magazine. A lot of people might read this section more.
Please add more bullying stories into your magazine, When I read your magazine I go right to the bullying section to read all of the tragic stories about people getting bullied. I like to read more about others who have seen bullying, and share their stories to others. I think that if you add more bullying stories to Teen Ink, it might help the kids who are getting bullied and to conquer that bully. Please add more bullying to your magazine.
Please add more bullying stories. I like your magazine a lot, but if you add more bullying stories to Teen Ink it could make it better. Please take my advice for Teen Ink, it could change someone's life.


Hope H

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