Feedback letter on Teen Ink magazine | Teen Ink

Feedback letter on Teen Ink magazine

February 14, 2014
By LiveLifeNow BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
LiveLifeNow BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
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Favorite Quote:
Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you know they're always there.

Dear Teen Ink,

I applaud you for your work. The first time I read this magazine, I felt like there were actually people that understand what teens need. Some hate reading, but some, like me, love to connect to their reading. I just have one suggestion that might make your magazine better.
There’s one thing that I would like to see when I’m reading an article, and that’s the age of the author writing. The reason behind it, is that I’m sometimes amazed by how young a good author can be. I read a book once, called The Outsiders. It was written by S.E Hinton. When I searched her in google, it was written that she was only 15 years old when she started her first novel! She was 16, when she finished it. Both of her novels became major motion pictures. When I found out this information, I was really astonished. She had written an amazing book, with such descriptive detail and a shocking plot. I bet that there are some authors that write in Teen Ink, that are very talented at a young age.
In the past, I’ve read some pretty neat articles in your magazine, but I would love to see an age near the name. This is because you can sometimes be amazed at how young these authors are, that can write such great things.

Still waiting to be amazed,

Anna S

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