Bullying/ Heros/ Choices/ Sex | Teen Ink

Bullying/ Heros/ Choices/ Sex

February 14, 2014
By bgFRO BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bgFRO BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Teen Ink,

I really love your magazine. Its one of the best magazines i've ever read. I really love your bullying section. When I grab one of your magazines thats one of the first things I look at. I like it so much because, I enjoy hearing about the stories of all the people who were bullied. Another section that I like, that's not in a lot of your magazines are the hero stories. I think that all of the heroes stories cheer people's day up. The hero's stories are really touching and interesting But I love them so much that I think you should add more stories about bullying and the heros. I also feel that you should add a section about people's choices, and sex.
You should add those sections because as teenagers, sex has been something that's just on our mind. And if you add stories about people who have had sex, then it may open up our eyes and make us think about how we should wait until we are ready and old enough to have sex. For example, a story can talk about how somebody had sex and they had a baby. They didn't mean to create their child, but now that they have the baby they can talk about how it may have changed their life. The reason you should also add a choice section is because not only teenagers, but everybody makes bad or good choices. And having the choice section in your magazine can be interesting or maybe humorous to some people, depending on what the story is about. When I pick up and read one of your magazines the first thing I do is turn to the bullying pages. I just find the bullying stories so interesting, and I guarantee you that the other teens who read this loves hearing about the stories just as much as I do. So I think you should add more. One time when I was reading your magazine I wanted to read something new and I saw you had a page about heros. After I read the page about heros I wanted to read more stories about the heros, and there were no more. So I grabbed another one of your magazines and look for what page the hero stories are on. There was not any stories in that book so I decided to grab another magazine of your to look for it. There wasn't any in that magazine either. What im trying to get at is that I would like you to add more stories about the heros. Your hero stories can be a story that can put a smile on somebodys face. It can cheer people up just from hearing the good stories.

I feel that if you, (Teen Ink) add sections about sex and people's choices, and more stories about bullying and heros into your magazine then all of the other teenagers who read your magazine will love it a lot more. But still, like I said before I think your magazine is amazing and I love all of the stories that you have in it. I hope that after you reading my letter, you will add those two sections about sex and peoples choices, and more stories about bullying and the heros.


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