It only takes a dream.. | Teen Ink

It only takes a dream..

February 22, 2014
By Nam397 BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Nam397 BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A boat is safe when it's in its port, but that isn't what boats were built to do!"

Having a dream doesn’t necessarily mean you have a vision of every step you’re going to take. A dream can be as vague and unclear as you want it to be. It can be cliched, outrageous, wild or even something that exceeds your imaginations and potential. It’s never the dream that makes it impossible to gain victory, its your approach towards it that becomes the obstacle.

I know of many people who aren’t as bright or who were assumed to be a disgrace to their dream. Most of these underestimated people were the one’s who did achieve whatever they’d dreamed off. You don’t base your dream or your life goals upon the potential which has already decided for you, you wish for your dream based on your own dedication and will power.

There are also some who just keep moving forward with that dream of theirs. They don’t have a plan or a route or any vision of their future, all they have is hope and an immense attachment to their dream. This attachment needs to be so strong that the entire universe will have to make you reach your goal by default! Yet again only if you make yourself capable to be worthy of it.

A dream is the one thing which is your very own, there are no boundaries or restrictions. it’s a beautiful desire that helps you manifest your wishes, whatever they may be, into success. Therefore, allow your dream to grow stronger and stronger because once you do it will gain enough power to help you get your moment of pride in some way or the other.

“Dream of anything you want, whenever you want; It’s the only thing you have complete control over until it starts controlling you.”

The author's comments:
My name is Namrata
I'd like to share what i write about with the innumerable readers of your magazine if i am that lucky and if i hopefully meet the requirements!
I write about philosophy, self improvement, motivation to help other teenagers and myself gain enough positivity and a new perspective on the little things in life.
I don't have any work experience in this field as i discovered this quality about myself recently with the help of a blog that i started :
My posts aren't too long as i'm the kind who loses interest after a point and so i assumed the same for every other teenager who would be reading what i write.
Being a teenager is definitely no piece of cake! With my experience and knowledge i have attempted to write these articles to help or motivate whoever i'm able to on a positive note.
I really do hope you'll enjoy reading these articles.
For more articles or to get a greater understanding of my writing please go through the site mentioned above.

PS. Nothing in the articles below has been copied from another source. It is a completely pure article, solely written by me and with the guidance of all my experiences and knowledge.
Really hope to hear a reply soon!

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