Dreams | Teen Ink


March 20, 2014
By Timothy Cusack BRONZE, Burlington, New Jersey
Timothy Cusack BRONZE, Burlington, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's Kindergarten?

The teacher gathers us all around in Circle?

"Say what you want to be when you’re older," the teacher said?

The first boy stands up and shouts, "I want to be a fireman."?

A little girl stands up and shouts, "I want to be a dancer!"

A shy boy sitting in the circle whispers "I want to write." The teacher and other students laugh and giggle at what the kids’ say??

It's middle school?
"Say what you want to be when you’re older," the teacher said
The first boy shouts, "I want to be a football player!"?
A young girl says, "I want to be a Broadway star."
?A shy boy in the corner whispers, "I want to write books."?
The teacher and other students laugh at the student’s dreams of their future??

It's High School?
The senior class is close to graduating?
"Say what you want to be after college," the teacher said?
The first boy awkwardly stands up and says, "Um, I'm not sure maybe I'll be a teacher."?
The young girl now a beautiful woman stands up and says, "I want to be a singer but my parents want me to go into nursing."?
Lastly the shy boy stands up and shouts, "I'm going to be a famous writer!"

??At what age do we give up on our dreams? We start off at a young age believing that anything is possible if we believe it is. Then we learn that sometimes we can't follow our dreams because we have to be realistic. We are supposed to do what is best even if it's not what we want. Why must we live by this rule? Why must we stop dreaming at a certain age? ? Why can't the girl that sits next you become a singer? ? Why can't the guy to your right become a football player? ? I believe that our dreams and goals give us hope for our futures.

The author's comments:
I feel my piece is about how at a young age we dream so much but as we get older dreams die and we settle

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