Internet freedom | Teen Ink

Internet freedom

May 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Internet Freedom

Why should our school computers be unblocked? Well I have a few reasons why they should. Because they give us good information, educational games or apps, and can provide internet. (Depends on what your school says about the internet.)
I personally don’t like my school computer being blocked because then you can’t go on different websites. The websites that they give you have poor examples; they don’t have as much information as unblocked chromebooks. (Chromebooks are a lap top computer that I use at my school.)Plus, most of the time when we research, a proxy server sign would show up telling us that we can’t go on that website.
My school actually told all the students that they would provide them with internet. Being able to get in touch with friends is a good thing because we can use social media to talk about homework and help each other. When schools give students projects most of us work in groups but without the internet, we can’t work together.
When students are at home, they would want to play games on their chromebook apps. But that’s another thing with blocked computers, you can’t download apps. Students will not be able to download educational apps either. Also the children get more information from a computer than a teacher. That’s why there are a lot of educational websites like ALEKS. (ALEKS is a math website for kids, 5th grade and up.)
Students wouldn’t be able to find good information. They wouldn’t be able to get online and go to music websites/stations. For unblocked, students can go on better websites than having a proxy server pop-up. Most of the time when our chromebooks are unblocked you would want to find good screensavers and also listen to good music.
These are the reasons why we need computers to be unblocked at school. Most kids actually complain just because they can’t go on certain websites at my school. Also children need their information. Teachers and staffs need to tell the principle to unblock most chromebooks.

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