imperfections | Teen Ink


May 31, 2014
By Anonymous

You know all those magazines with the pretty faces that glare up at you in such a mocking way? The way that states that I'm much prettier than you will ever be? The way the advertisements for skin lotion to make your skin flawless and smooth? Well I don't mean any offense to those who are on the covers of those magazines or advertise lotion for perfect skin but please get out of here! If we all had perfect skin and perfect hair than we wouldn't be able to tell people (much less twins) apart? Makeup is no better. All it's meant to do is cover up imperfections that truly make you look like you! I for one, go against makeup and perfect skin and lip gloss (well maybe not lip gloss)! I would rather enhance my imperfections not cover them. So join me or hate me, I don't care. I'm believing in my imperfections and I'm believing in me.

The author's comments:
This is just a rant I had after I saw so many makeup and acne scrubs and others about covering up your imperfections. I'm sorry if I personally insulted anyone, this is just a rant I had this morning.

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