Help where being spied | Teen Ink

Help where being spied

February 18, 2015
By Anonymous

Did you know that stores spy on you while you shop?, but its a good thing and a bad thing. sometimes they spy on you if they need evidence, or if you dont look good they might send you a coupon on your phone, and last they could get into your phone and steal your ID. There are good reasons and bad reasons why stores should have cameras and shouldn't have cameras.
First, this is why i think they should spy on you because if there was a fight or a robbery they can show proof to the cops so the person who did it would get caught and get put into jail. but if there wasn't any cameras then then the person who did it would not get caught and that would be bad for our community.
Next, is a reason why they should not spy on you, for example if a camras was spying on you and you where on your phone or something and u were putting something personal on it and found
?something about u, and they put it on the internet that would be weird and creepy.
Third, is why they should not spy on you, because they could steal your money and ID. For example if you were walking in a store and you wanted to get into there free wifi you would know something is up but u do it anyway. the bad part is that after u get into the wifi they can get into your phone and look at all your info and take your life. so when you go into a store and there is free wifi then you would know that something is up.
Some may argue that they should spy you for security reasons. For example if a terrorist was in a store and the store got into their phone they might be able to see if he is one. If not that person could blow up the hole store. but heres the weakness, lots of people hate giving out the information unless they really have to because it is very dangerous.
To conclude stores should controlled how they use their cameras to keep our world safe. This is very important so were safe and we can trust local store in a neighborhood. Lets tell every one
about the artice and consumer where they talk about why and why not camras should and shouldnt spy on you.

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this is about store spying on u

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