Ferrari or Lamborghini? | Teen Ink

Ferrari or Lamborghini?

June 2, 2015
By Kevin5 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
Kevin5 BRONZE, Shenzhen, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do What You Want To Do

“I've always wanted to race cars, ever since I was a young boy, as I think a lot of guys have.” - Paul Walker

Cars nowadays are an essential part of our lives. From school to shopping malls, everywhere we go, we need them. For women, cars might be just for daily use; however, for most men, cars have a totally different approach. Males love cars, especially supercars for a variety of rationales, such as attractive design, high top speed, extreme acceleration, and so on. Unfortunately, all supercars have different traits, and fans get lured by one or the other depending on their tastes. The two most common supercar manufacturers people contemplate between are Italy’s best known brands, Lamborghini and Ferrari. Many might choose Ferrari to be their more favorite, but certainly, Lamborghini has several reasons that make it stand in a higher level.

To start with, Lamborghini cars possess 2 distinct features that Ferrari cars don’t. First off, the design of Lamborghini is special. The two companies have a 180-degree difference in their designs. While Ferrari, just like many other cars, emphasizes smoothness through the curves, Lamborghini makes one think of a machine and a bull mixed together with sharp corners and edges, which is uncommon. Often times, people will walk by the street and think that they had seen a Ferrari. But they’ll soon realize that they’ve mistaken when they see the logo of other brands such as Lotus or Pontiac. On the other hand, people will never be mistaken in seeing a Lamborghini as no other cars look similar to it. Also, the names of the supercars are unique. Unlike Ferrari, which doesn’t have special meanings in its cars’ names, Lamborghini names its machines after legendary fighting bulls: Huracan, Aventador, Murciélago, Gallardo, Veneno, and many more. How could that be more awesome?

Moreover, the comparison of the masterworks of both companies indicate that Lamborghini has, after all, higher performance. Ferrari’s LaFerrari has a V12 engine that can produce 800 hp (horse power) in addition to its electric engine producing 163 hp: a total of 963hp at 9250rpm. (rpm=Revolution per minute=the speed of internal components of the engine spinning) It also has a maximum torque of 6,750rpm. (Torque=the twisting force causing rotation) Lamborghini's Veneno Roadster has a V12 engine creating 750hp at 8,400rpm, and a maximum torque of 5,500rpm. Despite these disadvantages, Lamborghini still shows better results; higher top speed by 5km/h at 355km/h, and 0.1second faster in 0-100km acceleration at 2.9seconds.

Last but not least, unlike Ferrari, Lamborghini has 2 extremely unique cars: Sesto Elemento and Egoista. Sesto Elemento is a machine almost fully created with carbon fibre. While Ferrari’s cars weigh about 1300kg, Sesto Elemento only weighs 999kg. Due to this ultimately reduced weight, it only takes 2.5seconds for it to reach 100km/h. Another interesting model is the Lamborghini Egoista, created for Lamborghini’s 50 years anniversary. The only one model is in Museo(Museum) Lamborghini. The extraordinary part of it is that its design was inspired by an apache attack helicopter and a jet fighter. It has one seat in the middle and has no doors on the side but one on the
top that opens vertically. It has a pair of red and green LED lights from Boeing’s part bin on its rooftop, and its body frame and wheels are made of antiradar materials to mimic an apache helicopter on a higher level. Interestingly, the wheels are designed by a 5 year old, yet it fits perfectly to the concept of the car. On the contrary, Ferrari owns no ‘interesting’ cars; in other words, all cars are similar to one another.

Since the industrial revolution, hand-made products have been higher in quality. They require more time and endeavor from the creators so they are rare in the market. So are the cases of many supercars, including Lamborghini and Ferrari. It may be difficult for some to distinguish a level between such high-value products, but it must be made clear: Lamborghini overweighs Ferrari.


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