Making Mistakes | Teen Ink

Making Mistakes

September 20, 2015
By kealy_moffitt BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
kealy_moffitt BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"out of sight, out of mind"

When it comes to making mistakes the majority of people think its good, and that others can learn from them. However, when people make mistakes most of the time they cannot be undone. This usually leads to extensive consequences. Mistakes can be simply spelling a word wrong or it could be a choice you made while out with friends. They both have different types of consequences. The worst that could happen if you misspell a word is you get a point taken off on a test. But, if you make a mistake and choose the wrong decision of life or death you could end up with a way worse consequence than scoring below average on a test.

Mistakes are made every day at almost any given moment. With this in mind people should be more careful with what they say and do. I do not mean people have to take an extra five minutes and think about there next move (which never hurts) but should at least make sure they would do it if they were sober or if they were with different people. Every night, I’m sure, an entire group of people goes out and makes countless mistakes, only to wake up the next morning unable to remember them.

High school students all around the world make stupid mistakes on tests, homework sheets, and weird things like choosing the wrong sandwich at lunch. These are the mistakes that lead to an eight out of ten on an assignment or an upset stomach at the end of the day. These are the mistakes that don’t really count. These are the mistakes that people can really learn form. Next time they will study harder and longer. Next time he will ask the teacher to help when he does not understand. And next time she will pick a different sandwich.
I have made a few mistakes in my life. Some are damaging and others are not. For example, when I was about nine my sister and I were playing on a hammock when I made the idiotic decision of lying on my stomach. I ended up hitting my chin on the hard, carpet covered, concrete floor of an old firehouse. This mistake put me in the emergency room. I needed multiple stitches on my bottom lip and chin. I still have the scar to this day. A non-damaging mistake would be when I forgot to brush my teeth. Nothing bad happened to me, my friends still talked to me, and no one cared.

Mistakes are dualistic. They can determine whom a person is and what their life is made out to be, but this is not always the case. People make mistakes all the time, and it all depends on what the outcome is. The outcome makes it either a good or bad decision. Others look at the mistakes of people around them and right off the bat judge them and make assumptions. However people change and mistakes are just that, mistakes. Not all of them were solely his or her fault. Others are often to blame; it’s just a matter of trust. Trust can either lead to a mistake or lead someone away from a mistake. Trusting someone is a common mistake made everyday.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for my English class. Every week we write a prompt over different subjects and discuss them. This past week we wrote about making mistakes and I really liked this topic. I have a strong opinion on this topic. I also think teenagers should read this because we make the most mistakes and we should really think about it more. 

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