Without Formal Education | Teen Ink

Without Formal Education

April 20, 2016
By DailyDOTZ BRONZE, Bentonville, Arkansas
DailyDOTZ BRONZE, Bentonville, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Do you really need formal education to accomplish things you may encounter in your life? No, even though an education is a privilege some famous historians had done amazing things without learning how rainbows form. For example, Albert Einstein went to school and he didn’t do well, later on in his adult life he was able to become a genius without the help from school. I know that people need education to read, count and all that crap, but it’s not about being smart, there’s more to life than getting good grades, thumbs up and a pat on the back. It’s about making your accomplishments with mistake. Even though mistakes can be a bad thing, it’s something that we need.

You don’t need to spend hours of your life that you will never get back studying, you need to teach yourself how to do it with mistakes. Imagine that a zombie apocalypse has occurred and that you're the leader of your group, you’re “Rick Grimes” from the Walking Dead”, He used to stand by his decisions, like when he said in season 1 that they don’t kill the living that was a mistake he made the first time the living tried to kill the was in season 2 Rick had to do that. That’s what it takes to make mistakes. When you thought you can stand by your decisions, you have to break rules that you or anyone else has made “Rules are made for breaking”, that’s a quote from James Patterson’s Middle School the Worst Years of My Life by the way. 

Even dropouts can be successful in life. There are a lot of outliers like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs or famous youtubers who dropped out of college even the people who didn’t get accepted. You don’t need a degree to be successful in a career, people say that not every dream is meant to come true and they’re only half right. Some destinies are made to come true if you try yourself and if your dream is dead or accomplished you can find a new dream.There are plenty fish in the sea you can keep searching for your true destiny like Marlin finding Nemo. Find YOUR Nemo, find the dream you desire, you can still find destiny without formal education.


                                                 THE END

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