Trying New Things | Teen Ink

Trying New Things

May 29, 2018
By alyssasump BRONZE, East Lansing, Michigan
alyssasump BRONZE, East Lansing, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever walk into school and see many different groups of people that are always together? I know that happens to me all the time. I think people should try new things and talk to new people because you could grow as a person and make new friends.
Whenever I walk into school, there are people scattered all over in their groups of friends. When I get into class, there are the same people you sit next to everyday. Have you ever thought about branching out and talking to someone you don’t usually talk to? You could make new friends and learn new things about people. For example, if you go into class and walk up to someone you have never talked to, you could have a conversation and it could lead to you making more friends. It could lead to new relationships and new experiences. When you walk into school in the morning, think about going up to someone new. You never know what a conversation could turn into to.
Do you ever see someone doing something and you think it is so cool? You should try new things because you could grow as a person. For example, if you are a person that usually doesn’t play sports, you could go out for a simple sport like tennis. I used to only do dance until my freshman year. I saw some of my friends doing it and it looked like a lot of fun. I decided to try out and I ended up making the team! It is so much fun and I learned so much from just getting out of my comfort zone. You could grow as a person by experiencing things that normally wouldn’t interest you. By trying new things, you are going out of your comfort zone and branching out of your usual routine. So when you see something that looks like fun and out of your comfort zone, you should try it because you never know what it could lead to.
There are many reasons why you should try new things but the two most important reasons are because you could grow as a person and you could make new friendships. You could end up with amazing friendships and great experiences. You could learn new things. Just think, what if you branched out from your normal friend group and then others started doing it also. You could be the first out of many to experience new friendships and adventures. So next time you walk into school stop and think. Maybe you should go to a new group of people or maybe you should try a new sport or activity. You never know what great adventures it could lead to.

The author's comments:

I always see people hanging out with the same group of people and I think people should branch out and make new friends. I hope when people read this, they will go out and talk to people they normally wouldn't talk to.

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