Human Cloning; A Revolutionary Idea | Teen Ink

Human Cloning; A Revolutionary Idea

June 12, 2018
By DaveGonz BRONZE, London, Ontario
DaveGonz BRONZE, London, Ontario
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The world is advancing and technology too, so why not use technology and make the world a better place. Human cloning should be permitted for the progress of humanity. In the first place, the copying of DNA can be used for developing new treatments for diseases such as Parkinson, for treating heart attacks, for organ regrowth and organ transplantation. Also, human cloning makes possible for people who have contributed to the well being and progress of humankind to continue being alive as clones. Do you want to know why the incredible idea of cloning will change society? Let’s go!

Do you like diseases such as Parkinson or heart attacks? I bet you obviously do not. Well, duplicating can put an end to all these by using embryonic stem cells. This technique consists of cloning healthy tissues and cells for organ regrowth and organ transplantation. As the expert Dr. Shoukhrat Mitalipov, the leader of one team from Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, said in an article from “Human cloning can be used to create new tissues to cure diseases as Parkinson and to cure heart attacks.” (Also in In fact, by 2017 about 2.4 million Canadians were diagnosed with some kind of heart disease, and heart disease has been stated as the second cause of death in Canada. Don’t you think that is horrible? Besides, duplication of genes can be used to create healthy nerve cells to cure patients who suffer from Parkinson, which is a complex disease that affects the nervous system and leads to a progressive deterioration of the motor system. Indeed, Parkinson disease affects 1 in every 500 people in Canada. Undoubtedly, cloning is a lifesaving medicine. Perhaps, copying of cells could even cure Cancer in the future. Clearly, this is a great hope for medicine and scientists are sure that in some years they will be able to make cloning a very successful treatment for these diseases.

Imagine there is someone very important for the progress of humankind like the Canadian researcher and geneticist Lap - Chee Tsui. This scientist identified the gene behind cystic fibrosis, which is a genetic disease that causes a person’s fluids like sweat and mucus to thicken and clog airways. Sufferers of this disease only live into their late 20s or 30s at the most. If a person like him could be duplicated, it means that he could continue coming up with more discoveries and advances for science and the benefit or well being of humankind. That would be a key decision for the improvement of medicine. In addition, imagine if an important person you like, for example if you like Lowry or Derozan, the Toronto basketball player gets very sick, doctors can use copying of tissues to cure him so that he can keep playing. Why would you prefer him to suffer and stop playing basketball?

Even though human cloning is an extraordinary idea, some people have arguments against it. Yet, I will provide some information that will question their arguments and that will prove that human duplicating would benefit the world. First, some people say that the success of copying the DNA would be very low. This is not a real argument because scientists can keep studying until they get to a more efficient and successful way of duplicating cells. For example, in the article “If human cloning happened” from www.the, Philip Ball, British scientist, predicts that just in few years later the success ratio of cloning will be 7 to 11 or almost 70%. Another example is that in the early 1900s driving was less successful since there were neither traffic signs nor traffic lights. Therefore, there were more accidents. Then, people started designing ways to prevent accidents such as speed limit signs, stop signs and traffic lights. Cloning can be similar. You just have to wait for scientists. They will pay back!

Second, people think there will be new illnesses as a result of cloning, which may be somehow true. But if scientists keep on researching, they will achieve a very high success, which means that diseases will not be common. Moreover, there will probably also be antibiotics or pills for these new diseases.

Third, people say human duplication makes life seem less important and causes moral and ethical issues. This could perhaps be the case, but only if the copying of cells was to be used in a massive way. Certainly, human cloning should be used for medical purposes and for prolonging the life span of very important people. Imagine if somebody was going to die due to some disease and thanks to duplicating he/she survived. Cloning would have saved his/her life. It does not mean it makes life less important. So, human copying actually would make humanity better.Fourth, some people believe cloning could cause divisions, that is, segregation against clones. This would not be the case if human duplicating is regulated for medicinal aim and for prolonging the lives of extraordinary people by the government or organizations like the United Nations. How could people feel segregation against a clone of Nelson Mandela or Bill Gates? Fifth, some people consider copying of DNA is way too expensive. It will cost approximately 1.7 million dollars. This will be at the beginning, but the prices should go down. Also, all new technologies start being more expensive. Last, some people believe cloning will be used in a bad way, but it will be controlled by important scientists and by peaceful and technological countries like Sweden, Canada or Australia. If by any chance, human duplicating is taken over by a more conflictive government, organizations like the United Nations would be in charge of setting limits; therefore, nothing bad would happen.

 To conclude, there are many advantages that human cloning brings to society. Imagine being somebody with Parkinson or with a damaged organ, and being saved thanks to copying of cells. Just imagine that… Human duplicating is almost here, so why not make something different and give it a try!

The author's comments:

I used this for a school debate. I was for human cloning.

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