Factory Farming | Teen Ink

Factory Farming

December 9, 2019
By audreymunoz BRONZE, Hemet, California
audreymunoz BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    Factory farming is ruining the world. Over the last few decades, traditional farming had begun to transform into factory farming, holding thousands of livestock in tightly packed facilities. Scientists had created factory farming to produce meat and dairy products much faster and cheaper than traditional farming methods. To help you visualize how the products are created quicker: factory farm cows are able to produce twice the amount of milk a cow on a traditional farm may produce, because factory farm farmers are allowed to give the cows’ growth hormones. The growth hormones given to the cows increase their milk production (“Factory Farming and Human Health”). Similar to the last topic, livestock are injected with antibiotics to prevent any illnesses. This is due to the conditions the animals are left in being unsanitary, so the injections make them “immune” to falling ill (“Factory Farming and the Environment”). Following this, factory farming is also harmful to humans, not just livestock. The unnatural feeds, hormones, and excessive amount of antibiotics used on factory farm livestock may cause illnesses (“Factory Farming and Human Health”). Factory farms may create dangerous pathogens. E Coli and salmonella are foodborne illnesses, and one bad practice can cause hundreds of people to contract it. Although foodborne illnesses aren't the only issue, the overuse of antibiotics may fuel the growth of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria (“Bad for People, Planet, and the Economy.”). Furthermore, factory farming also mass pollutes the Earth. When a lagoon reaches full capacity, typically farmers will apply manure to surrounding areas; instead of paying to have the waste transported off their land. The animal waste may contaminate water and emit harmful gases when too much is applied to the land (“Factory Farming and the Environment”). Moreover, millions of trees are being cut down (deforestation) to clear room for crop fields. The clearing of land to grow soybeans in the Amazon rainforest is responsible for clearing over 100 million hectares of forest. While this land was being cleared, enough carbon was released into the atmosphere to increase the rate of global warming by 50 percent (“5 Ways Factory Farming is Killing the Environment”). Overall, the issues surrounding factory farming causes havoc among humans, animals, and the earth, so please consume organic products only. 

Works Cited

“Factory Farming and Human Health.”  Farm Sanctuary.  

“Factory Farming and the Environment.” Farm Sanctuary. 

Good, Kate.  “5 Ways Factory Farming is Killing the Environment.”  One Green Planet.  

Spectory, Kaye. “Bad for People, Planet, and the Economy.” Ecowatch. 

The author's comments:

This article is on my opinion of factory farming, and facts to back it up.

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