Influence of Americanisation  | Teen Ink

Influence of Americanisation 

January 23, 2020
By MateiRaduVasilescu BRONZE, Tirana, Other
MateiRaduVasilescu BRONZE, Tirana, Other
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In a rapidly globalizing world, full of multiculturalism, cultural influences, many political and civil ideologies, Americanisation is the main reason. These globalization forces have affected me significantly. As a student in an American school, I realised that skill in both verbal and written English was vital for my communication and education. I became motivated to learn their sentences, grammar, and other language laws to fit into American society. I observed America’s social-cultural norms and values to be interesting and essential for anyone living in America or in an American environment. These norms and values have influenced my socialization, goal setting, and other aspects of my life. Americanisation has spread culture, attitudes, principles, and shaped democratic ideas and social liberty on a global dimension. 

Americanisation has affected my mastery of the English language significantly. To interact or work with Americans, I needed a significant exposure to the language. As I began to socialize with Americans, I realized that my English, from a grammatical and accent point of view, started to change drastically. It was a way of fitting in, of adopting their culture through speaking their language the way they are. For example, when I was about twelve, I used to be one of the best English students in my school, but I was always afraid to show it in class because whenever I started speaking proper English with a proper accent people would point fingers and call me “Americanul” which translates to “The American”. When I first moved to this international school in Tirana, I knew that I could speak the way I wanted to, and nothing would be holding me back. This factor facilitated communication efficiency, academic understanding, and other socialization processes.  

My passion for being Americanised stemmed from a need to benefit from their programs and to expand my social and professional domains. As a result, I used extra efforts to study and master English laws using youtube videos, online libraries, and other facilities.  My current proficiency level in English emanates from a desire to fit in the American community and become a part of it. I’ve always watched American movies, listened to American music, idolized American artists, and I always wanted to live there. 

American social, economic, and cultural values have also shaped my personal and professional development. Americanisation has changed the way I see and understand the world and social issues like freedom and individuality. This experience awakened my interest in advocating for social justice, equality, and liberty. Besides, I was fascinated by the American dream and how all Americans strived to achieve a certain standard in everything. This has motivated me to work hard, set achievable goals, and strategize to achieve the American dream life in the future. These aspects have changed the way I work and progress academically and professionally since I have new targets to achieve. My new insights, perceptions, and efforts aimed at enabling me identify with Americans or be like Americans. Therefore, Americanisation is undisputedly an influential force that has changed me.   

On a global scale, Americanisation has influenced major political and social reforms. First, societies have adopted American values and principles. For instance, liberty and democracy are central values stemming from America’s foundation that are currently widespread in the world. Immigrants tend to admire the freedom experienced by Americans and advocate for similar modes of governance in their countries. American social and economic goals are based on key strategies such as incredibly good healthcare and education. Many countries globally are embedding similar goals in their strategic planning to facilitate a rise in living standards to the American one. These factors have revolutionized many political and social systems since most people accommodate and apply American values and principles.  

Americanisation has played a crucial role in my personal and professional transformation. My desire to fit in American society motivated my mastery of the English language for socialization and academic progress. Furthermore, I developed a desire to work and improve my living standards to attain the American middle class that is pursued by many Americans. Besides, American values and principles transformed me, and the world in general, since many societies incorporate democracy, liberty, and equality in their development. 

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