A case against abortion | Teen Ink

A case against abortion

February 16, 2022
By Reaganjaws71 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
Reaganjaws71 BRONZE, Highland Village, Texas
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I’m going to preface this by saying that, yes I am a staunch conservative, I believe in the right to life, the second amendment, and capitalism/free market systems. 

   The issue of abortion is very important to me as I am a Irish catholic boy who values the sanctity of human life. The radical left is running with the idea that both a man has no say In what a woman does with ”her” body (even though it’s not really her body or life) and that a fetus is not life (even though it meets all the characteristics of life). 

   The reason I am writing this Is because this topic is deeply personal to me is because I almost died when I was only 2 days old, I’m unable to remember any of this, but my parents were forced to make a choice, to let me die, or to get the surgery to save me for which they had barely any ability to pay for. When I was a toddler, my parents were dirt poor, we could barely afford our 2 bedroom apartment in Carrollton. They raised and cared for me all the same. So why, why would you destroy a child’s future because it inconveniences you? I’m just unable to fathom why people in any case will punish a child for something they didn’t do or had no control over. I get that it's hard to be a mother, a father, or a parent, but it's also the greatest blessing anyone can get. I can't tell you how many photo albums there are of me and my parents playing and laughing, so why erase that chance for you to impart your life’s wisdom, experience, and memories too? I just find that people (buy and large) are more averse to having an opinion on this because they feel like it's not a “them” issue (it doesn’t apply to them) but it does and in a big way, children are a way to continue your life, without children, what is really the point? If you have nobody to provide for, to love, and to share your life with, then life (going into an office everyday, paying bills in an empty house, all the monotonous tasks, and the fear of extensionalism) is pointless. I  plan to have children with a woman I Love, I plan to teach them to be kind, to have good character, and to carry on the tradition of being good to those less fortunate than yourself (there’s much more to it than that but I digress).   

   Let’s talk about the first point. It takes two people to make a baby, that’s just how it works; a man and a woman. This is the most basic principle, the radical left (which is becoming more mainstream) however, argues that because the man doesn’t have to carry the child and is technically not doing anything to sustain that child, that they’re not entitled to have a say about that child’s life. My argument, as previously stated, is that a man has just as much of a say as the woman. The radical left will also site that some abortions are justified as the mother may not be able to properly care for that baby or the pregnancy was unplanned, there’s a very simple solution to that, don’t engage in sexual activity if you’re not ready to deal with the possible outcomes of such activity. The argument also falls apart when you see the blatant hypocrisy in the fact that a man is legally obligated to pay child support and if the woman chooses to abandon him (divorce) then she is entitled to take half his stuff (material items, financial investments, property, etc.). 

   The second point I would like to make is that, yes, a fetus is in fact, a life. A lot of leftists will use this tactic to try and justify the killing of it because if you dehumanize it then it’s ok to end it the same as you would anything else. The problem with this is that a life is categorized as something that can reproduce itself and can complete cellular respiration. The idea that it isn’t life is just plain ‘ol incorrect. The other part to mention when this argument is used is the idea that the fetus is a part of “her body”, it isn’t, genetic code is very unique and specific to a person. The phrase, “no two fingerprints are the same” is correct, genetic code is the same thing. 

    I know I will get some people saying that I have no right to speak on this subject because I am a male. Well my answer to that is quite simple; if that is the case, then you have no right to tell me to wear a condom.

        The big idea here is that being a mother, being a father, is the most selfless thing you can do. The benefits to you are little in number, but plentiful in your own sacrifice. You’re basically saying that, “it's not about me, it's about them”. 

“Give that child to me. I want it. I will care for it. I am willing to accept any child who would be aborted and to give that child to a married couple who will love the child and be loved by the child”

Mother Teresa 

The author's comments:

Ive been raised as an Irish catholic boy in a suburb of dallas, my views are very concrete on some issues but more malleable on others. I am a staunch believer in unbiased data (science) and non anecdotals. My political commentary career started in the 4th grade during the Obama administration (i was a very strange 4th grader for sure). It grew into what you see today, the political landscape is vastly different than it was just 9 years ago. Much has changed and much more needs to be addressed. 

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