Climate Change | Teen Ink

Climate Change

May 30, 2024
By Anonymous

The major global issue plaguing Earth for the past several decades is referred to as Climate Change. Climate Change is defined as long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. This essay will further discuss the causes, possible organizational actions to counteract it, and proposed solutions to help aid in the battle against climate change. 

The causes of climate change include but are not limited to, the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and overconsumption. Fossil fuels are used in many ways such as generating power, manufacturing goods, and powering most modes of transportation. Fossil fuels are utilized by burning them, a process which makes carbon dioxide,a kind of gas that is referred to as a greenhouse gas, as a byproduct. Greenhouse gasses trap heat from the sun inside of Earth’s atmosphere, leading to increased temperatures. Deforestation, as mentioned before, is a large cause of climate change as by destroying forests, humans destroy trees, and by destroying trees there is not enough carbon dioxide being turned into oxygen. Deforestation is so severe that over 10 million hectares of forests are lost annually, this translates to roughy 24.7 million acres of forests. Deforestation of this magnitude creates the same affect as the burning of fossil fuels, which can be described as a blanket being wrapped around Earth trapping its heat in. Due to the issue of our planet running out of resources, the issue of overconsumption has been growing exponentially. Global crisis have caused a resurgence of fossil fuels, leading to higher pollution rates. 

One of the largest organizations battling climate change is, which works to help prevent climate change from worsening. They plan to combat the burning of fossil fuels by working with communities that are affected by climate change the most. Over the last 15 years, they have rallied with people around the world to fight injustice and challenge the fossil-fueled economic systems world wide. Their two most important achievements were moving trillions of dollars away from the fossil fuel industry, and preventing the formation of fossil gas plants alongside pipelines. Another one of the largest organizations fighting in the battle against climate change is WWF, otherwise known as the World Wildlife Fund. The WWF helps small, local, communities conserve natural resources they rely on, alongside protecting and restoring species to their habitat. The WWF has 6 main goals which are as follows, create a climate resilient and zero-carbon world, rebuild food sources, protect freshwater resources, achieve healthy oceans, conserve the worlds most important forests, and finally conserve wildlife.

Several solutions have been proposed to help prevent climate change from further damaging Earth. One of which was a plan developed by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. The plan consists of mobilizing a “whole-of-government” effort in every section of the economy. This includes reducing carbon emissions that are formed as a result of generating power, transportation, buildings, industrial manufacturing, and agriculture. Through the attempts of moving away from fossil fuels, and towards clean energy, Joe Biden has slowly been chipping away at the United States of America’s carbon emissions. 

In conclusion, the major global issue plaguing Earth for the past several decades is referred to as Climate Change, which is defined as long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.

Works Cited

"About." 350, Accessed 29 May 2024.

"About Us." World Wildlife Foundation, Accessed 29 May 2024.

"Climate Change." UN, Accessed 29 May 2024.

"National Climate Task Force." The White House,'s%20Actions%20to%20Tackle%20the%20Climate%20Crisis&text=As%20part%20of%20that%20vision,zero%20emissions%20economy%20by%202050. Accessed 30 May 2024.

The author's comments:

I had to do this for a final

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