The American Dream Is Possible | Teen Ink

The American Dream Is Possible

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

Why do some people think the American Dream is all a lie and life in America is not very good ?  I believe that the American dream is whatever makes you feel successful . Success is when the outcome of something  makes you content or happy, so no matter what people think as long as you think you do good unless you are doing harm to others with your actions . The American Dream also includes being a good citizen, patriot, a leader, hard worker and a determined human being . The American Dream can be achieved by anyone  but it requires discipline, hard work , determination and other factors. You just need to be willing to give it all.


As a son of immigrant parents I can tell you that the American Dream is possible because they believe they have reached it and I've ́e seen the work that has taken them to reach where they are . Believing in yourself is one key factor in life because  when nobody believes in you all you got is you and as long as you convince your  brain that you can do it  eventually you will.


The American Dream is core set of beliefs which means that it is not one specific thing  and people that see it that way are most likely to think they are living a really good life because they believe that the American Dream means feeling happy with their  lifestyle and don´t think that you need to go to college to be able to reach it . After the great Recession  69% of American citizens believed that the american dream did´t hold true  but over the time the economy got better and now 65% percent believe it can be reached  through hard work and dedication because college is not the only way to be successful in this country and many successful people like Bill Gates, Jay Z and Steve Jobs have proved to us. 


When you have children, parents, sisters or brothers and loved ones . You will do anything for them to live a good life in America because that's what matters the most, it is the fuel to our engine that is our heart. Family and friends are what keep us motivated but even if motivation is non-existent, discipline is key to be able  to get new family or friends to create a new legacy with them.


The American dream is possible, we need to tell everyone and believe in it. Once you believe in it and have the will, it can convert you into a hard working, determined, responsible , role model and more attributes . We need to show this to the next generation because they are the ones that are going to run the country in the future so we should teach the next generation many ways to be a good citizen, problem solving skills  and learning to make good decisions  and this will take the country further . I also think that this country will go far if we focus on everyone being able to have a nice stable and loving family because from a good family comes good people . The US has gotten better economically since 2009 but I believe that we as citizens need to do better , speak out more and  be backed by the government with our basic needs to be able to have a stable life,  a successful country and live the American Dream .

The author's comments:

I wrote about my feelings, thoughts and experiences about the American Dream Because I believe that everyone should have the right to speak out.

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