Is It Okay To You? | Teen Ink

Is It Okay To You?

November 9, 2009
By Corine BRONZE, Petaluma, California
Corine BRONZE, Petaluma, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People say dying is like falling asleep, but what if i fall asleep and have nightmares?"

Do you really want that “perfect foundation”? Would you think twice about trying to look younger if you saw what animals look like after they test their products on animals? I would think so. Companies like, Febreez, L’Oreal, Lysol, S.C. Johnson, Johnson & Johnson, cover girl, church & Dwight, Procter & gamble, Clorox, Unilever, Schering-plough, arm and hammer, Bic corporation, Dial corporation, Reckitt Benckiser, and much, much more, test on animals cruelly. Millions of animals, averaging 36 per minute, are killed annually in U.S. laboratories. They do everything from burn and starvation experiments to weaponry testing and space research. Millions more, rat's, mice, guinea pigs, dogs, rabbits, and other animals are killed in product tests.

Outdated laws require that all drugs be tested on animals. Even so, more than half of all prescription drugs approved by the FDA in a nine-year period had to be relabeled or withdrawn from the market because of serious side effects. Cosmetics and household products are not required to be tested on animals. Often times, animals in testing laboratories are neglected, abused, and are kept in very small pens. They never see the outside world, or the light of day, and they are deprived of food and water.

Buying from companies that test on animals, would just encourage them to keep doing what they are doing. Buying from companies that do not test on animals will save millions of animals at a time. The only way to stop animal testing for good is to write letters and articles, and to tell everyone you know about the cruelties of animal testing. I want you to read this article, and think of your own opinion of animals in testing for unneeded cosmetics. My thesis is that animal testing is wrong in every way. Just because animals can’t speak and share an opinion, doesn’t mean they don’t have one.

-Corine Wiles

~ For more information about animal testing, go to ~

The author's comments:
This is my Critical Inquiry writing I wrote in my english class, I am sharing my opinion about animal testing. I Hope that people will reconize what I am trying to say; animals don't diserve to be treated any less than a human. Equal rights is the main key.

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