Electronic | Teen Ink


December 3, 2012
By logan lecompte BRONZE, Belleview, Florida
logan lecompte BRONZE, Belleview, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In today`s world, technology is always progressing from a game system,
to an improvement, to a new car. When a new electronic device comes out it takes a couple
years for that company to releace its product.

Technology improves the quality of life in many ways it can make peoples
live easier. Technology helps people find information, helps us contact each other
with our phones.Cars are one of the most important technology advances in this world, because
with out a car people would have to walk every were. If people worked far away they would
not get there in time.

There are some problems with technology. The older generation can't keep up with
the new advances with the technology.The older generation doesn't no what to do the younger
generation has to help them.People can get mad at the new technology like computers or
phones because they lag.Lagging is a meaning when a computer or any other item to go very
slow. Another thing is a virice its when some one hacks and your computer crashes.

Even though technology can be complicated, people have to adapt to it or they
would be confused with it when any thing new comes out. When people wanted to find
something 30 years ago they looked through books now days, people go online and research
things up on Google.com or Bing.com. Technology has made our lives easy for many reasons,
but in the end, technology has just made our lives faster.

Technology has helped my life in several ways like projects, essays, and just getting
to school. Technology is an important thing in my life i couldn't live with out it. People every
day use something that is technology you mite not think you don't but you do.

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