Justice For us!!!!! | Teen Ink

Justice For us!!!!!

January 17, 2013
By Anonymous

A bearded man walked to the school vans where children stood waiting to leave. He asked one of the girls “who is Malala?”Saying, eagerly wanting to approach her. Once She was pointed out, he walked toward Malala and another girl she was standing with. After asking in desperation, he asked again,
“ Who is Malala?”
Another girl pointed, Becoming more eager, and becaming aggravated while Malala was denying her identity, The bearded culprit becoming impatient and angered even more took out a gun and set fire. Both of them were shot Kainat saw Malala collapse. As she saw this she fell and faded into a deep sleep while hearing gunshots and loosing conciousness.
Malala was only but one word: innocent. she was a human rights activist. Malala, was shot for provoking the rights of females for an education. The Talibans are a brutal, and cruel extremist group against women’s rights, and at this point not wanting females not to get an education.The Taliban are known for, violence, descrimination, and dictatorship. Malala spoke against the threats of the Talibans put against females. Malala was not only brave, But is a hero to all girls, she is not just brave, but also persistant, a role model, fierce, and strong. She wasn’t afraid of the Talibans and the Talibans knew she didn’t fear them. And the fact she wouldn’t back down. Which angered them even more and triggered them to try to kill her.

Which sadly, she did suffer a bullet to head and on the neck but survived the attack and is now recovering. But the Talibans threatened to try to kill her again. Millions of people were outraged thousands prayed and walked in huge crowds. Females wore “ I am Malala t-shirts”, to show their support, and some waving banners. Isn’t that horrible? or just pure evil? Even though they shot her and also scarred her with the memory they still want to make another attempt. This is disrespectful to women around most people around the world see women as weak and deserve no rights. Justice should show for women all around. Women are just as equal to men so why be disrespected ? and treated with disgust? Throughout centuries women have been disrespected and had no rights. Women deserve to have respect and the rights they deserve.

People are just begining to realize the horrors that women suffer and put up with everyday because of their gender and culture. Which made took a huge dive, when women wasn’t walking with a family member male relative, and recieved 100 lashes publicly in Ghazi stadium. She was also charged with adultery. How horrible is that? not just she was brutally beaten, but it was done publicly in a stadium. There is more to that then what most women put up with. Especially in places like Afghanistan where most women suffer. Also where a teen was brutally punished. Because of this, most women have no rights to talk for their own saftey. Which took a very disturbing turn to a cruel incident. It all started when Aisha’s uncle killed a Taliban official and as a sign of revenge, her father made her marry a Taliban man. She tried to run away, but was caught and as a punishment they cut off her nose and ears. After the severe and brutal punishment, Her cousin helped her escape to america to live safely away amoung the Taliban and is recovering. Afghanistan is rated #1 to be the worst place to live as a women. But still today the Taliban still live in igsistance and try to brutally hurt women.

In the arab world, but mostly in Afghanistan, most women were forced to wear burqas. From 1996 from 2001, which is a islamic tradition to cover you whole face when entering th public. But others are safer to wear it still today because is cover age and appearance. A burqa is a long covering over the face and head and only a l screen to see through. It came to a point, when women weren’t allowed to go outside unless with a male relative and wearing a burqa. Women at a point were forced to leave schools.

The world is just begining to wake up from this nightmare. It takes more than just one incident to wake up the people. More events of domestic violence has to get more and more victums until the world has really reacted. Most see this as a cruel way of being disrespected or descriminated because of your gender. Some are afraid and just want to be safe . It seems until that person reacts in a huge way to grab attention nothing will change at all. And until that happens more and more women will suffer.

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