War from Washington | Teen Ink

War from Washington

February 13, 2013
By Rafael303 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Rafael303 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

War: a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation;warfare, as by land, sea, or air. (dictionary.reference.com) But what causes this? Is the military to blame? Are the nations people to blame? or the leaders of the party? It obviously differs, but for the most part politicians and leaders are the reason for it. On March 20th in 2003, George W. Bush sent American troops to Iraq because he claimed they had atomic bombs. He claimed we were in danger. He was wrong. Millions of people, innocent Americans and Iraqis, dead. Because of Bush’s assumption that Iraq had atomic bombs. Now, there are obviously more complications to this and it wasn’t all him. Is war really necessary? What is “humane”? Is to be "humane" to hate others? Does the borders of a country really change us? Are we not all the same? The answer is yes, and no. Yes anatomically we are, but living in different parts of the world can really change people. But in the end, we all are part of the homosapien race. If there IS other life forms in the universe, which is possible, then what would we do if they attacked us? Could we get it together? At this rate, I don’t think so. That isn’t to say we will be barraged by aliens in the next 24 hours, but that’s not the point. People, humans, need to get it together. There are so many more problems that could be fixed without war. The cost and the casualties from war are both a very, very high number. The money we spend could be used to potentially create incredible things. We could invest in something productive, because the product of war is mostly just a lot of deaths. Think of all the money United States would have if they didn’t spend money on war. Of course, we had to fight a war to gain freedom but that is different. War should always be the last option, never the first. If it is very necessary and what they are doing to you is worse than what you’d do to them, than i think that is okay. But never, is it alright to kill people without a reason. Who are you to take an innocent person’s life away? The military does not start wars, the leaders of the party do.

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