Euthanasia, Murder or Mercy Killing...? | Teen Ink

Euthanasia, Murder or Mercy Killing...?

February 21, 2013
By caitlynschulte BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
caitlynschulte BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thirty Seven percent of Americans are opposed to Euthanasia and forty two percent aren’t opposed. The number of the people who oppose Euthanasia is way too low. It just shows how little knowledge people have about Euthanasia. Euthanasia is a very controversial topic in the world today.

To begin, many people justify euthanizing a child by saying that if they have any missing body parts or missing pieces of brain that its acceptable. They also say the same thing if the child has an extreme illness, disease, or a birth defect. But what they don’t think about is that they are violating the child’s right as well, as robbing them of their life unfairly. A child could live years and in some cases their whole lives with missing body parts, pieces of brains, illnesses and so on. As well many parents are willing to raise their child with those problems.This shows how people are taking away the child’s right to live when performing Euthanasia. People also say euthanizing a child is accepted if the doctors get consent from the parents but that doesn’t mean that the doctor has consent from the child and or actual patient. Therefore the doctor has no right to perform Euthanasia on a person if they don’t have consent from them as well as a parent and any other medical professional. People also have many reasons in why they believe it is morally okay to euthanize a person in a vegetative state. They say that statistics show that most Americans would want to be euthanized if it was them, but they aren’t living it so they don’t actually no if they would want to be euthanized. Therefore that statistic doesn’t give any justification to euthanizing a person in a vegetative state. Another reason people and doctors justify euthanizing a person in a vegetative state is they say that there is no potential for recovery. Buy many once lethal diseases are becoming treatable giving many patients a potential for recovery. If you euthanize a person you aren’t letting death do its job, when and where it’s destined to happen instead you are taking a person’s life into your own hands, giving the patient no choice in what happens to them.

Furthermore, the ways to perform Euthanasia are all very painful and torture to the patients. One way you perform Euthanasia is doctors/physicians prescribe you pills that you will either take all in one dose or they have a plan set out for you when to take them. But the pills have many side effects like vomiting and gasping for air a lot. Also, the pills don’t end up working 16% of the time and 2.7% of the time there are unexpected side affects you don’t know about. Most people would think that those percentages are small and would over look them, but they affect a lot of people and make the process of Euthanasia very long and painful. Also, if you don’t go through with the pills they will make you take painful injections. When they give you the injections they have many different ways to do it. One way is that they first give you one to go into a coma and then a second one to make your heart stop. They can also give you an injection that makes all of your muscles to relax making your body to collapse and then you die. They could also give you morphine or midazolam (sleeping agent). Some people would argue that this is a good and painless way to die but in reality it is extremely painful and tortures the patient in the process, but the patient has no say in stopping it from happening and has to suffer through it. Another way that doctors and relatives perform euthanasia is from starvation and dehydration. They take away all food and water from the patient or if the patient is a PVS patient they remove their feeding tube. The people who do this don’t understand the suffering the patients must live through in the weeks that it takes until they die. It is probably one if the worst ways to preform Euthanasia because of how slow and tortuous it is. They are also forced to take a painful injection if not able to handle it. The last way that people can euthanize a patient is probably the most uncommon way. They use gases like CO Genie, which you can make in your own home to euthanize them. Many Americans and people all over the world who don’t have to face getting euthanized probably think that these methods don’t sound too painful and too bad and are very willing to perform this on strangers as well as loved ones. What they don’t think about is that if it was them in the position of getting Euthanized, that’s what people in our society really need to consider. How would you feel if you had this done to you and what would you want to happen to you if you were in the problem? These are the things people need to put in consideration before euthanizing a person.

Another big controversial part of Euthanasia is if it should be legal or not. Some people argue it should be legal because the right to die is in the Constitution but it doesn’t mean that the right to kill yourself or have someone kill yourself for you is. Euthanasia actually violates the Hippocratic Oath. Which means Euthanasia is not included in the right to die, but it actually violates oaths. People also say Euthanasia should be legal because your doctor has to put a three month minimum life expectancy on you. But many people are known to live months even years longer than their doctors expect them, so any life expectancy could be invalid and doesn’t give you any justified reasoning into euthanizing a person. A big issue is when doctors decide or persuade to euthanize a patient only to make room for new patients or because of financial difficulties. They are not doing their duty as a doctor to help save their patients’ life but instead disregarding the patient to help themselves. Therefore pressuring the parents at a very stressful time causing them to euthanize their child and regret it later on in life living with the guilt of knowing they killed their child or loved one. Everyone needs to know the truth about Euthanasia before thinking it’s fine and acceptable and it shouldn’t be legal in our world today.

To summarize, Euthanasia is morally wrong and shouldn’t be performed on anyone no matter what type of disease or problems they may have. We need to make the 37% of people who oppose Euthanasia rise and the amount of people who support it go down to almost nothing. Get rid of Euthanasia today.

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