Drastic New Gun Restrictions | Teen Ink

Drastic New Gun Restrictions

March 26, 2013
By DylanCamacho BRONZE, East Hampton Ny, New York
DylanCamacho BRONZE, East Hampton Ny, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drastic New Gun Restrictions

Obama’s possible new restrictions on gun laws has been a hot topic in politics ever since the recent tragedy known as the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Ever since, the government has been trying to pass a new set of laws to regulate gun trade and the type of guns put into the public's hands. But will this really help stop organized crime?
On a more important topic, will it be good for the general public? The answer to both of these is no.
Let me first explain the reasoning behind the first question. Most guns used in a crime are bought from an illegal gun dealer not from a company that you would need a gun license to receive. So if they would need to commit a crime with a gun which would later be found and traced, they would simply buy it from an illegal gun dealer. Who legally buys guns and sells them on the black market illegally, and not be traced or need a license.
For the second, the new gun laws will do the public more harm than good. For one reason, if the criminals can get guns easily and the public can not ,what can they use to defend themselves against a break-in or a hit? A brick? No, they will be killed or severely injured because there's nothing they can do to protect themselves, or their families from being harmed.
This new gun law is an unnecessary danger that will do more harm than good and is a clear violation of our second amendment, the right to bear arms. So this bill is absolutely unnecessary and should not make it past congress for the public's sake.

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