Open Your Ears | Teen Ink

Open Your Ears

April 30, 2013
By Anonymous

America today has become a sickening display of close mindedness and predisposed judgment driven by a polarizing media and impregnable party allegiance. It seems that people have forcefully dismissed the idea of compromise and dialectic agreement by profiling their opposition so harshly that the briefest mention of gun control laws has people clamoring to shout louder at the other side, leaving the possibility of constructive debate buried under cries of outrage. What people need to understand is that issues are not black and white; there are not two sides to an issue, but hundreds of different angles and opinions to consider. So while something may seem black and white to one person, it is anything but black and white to society as a whole. So why then are we so polarized as a nation and as a society? If these issues are so clearly composed of more than two sides, why do we continue to split the country in half on every bill, law, and vote? Because we have let an elite controlled media direct what we believe to be our own opinions in a way most beneficial to them. The television doesn’t tell you what to think. The media should give you the facts and information upon which you can make your own decision. Even people’s own political parties have forced them into sidling along with things the party tells them is best, not what is actually best for them. Your party doesn’t define you, you define your party. So close your ears to the biased media and politicians that would have you passionately hating any opposition, and open them to the millions of simple minded people who aren’t looking for a shouting match, just a conversation.

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